You are an English teacher and you feel that the students face a lot of difficulty in understanding the rules of Grammar. You are improving your Grammar teaching skills as you feel that Grammar must be taught by
When some theories or principles are widely accepted and applied to explain particular cases, it is known as:
Ria does not agree with Rishabh about setting up a class picnic. She thinks that the rules can be revised to suit the majority, this kind of peer disagreement according to Piaget, refers to:
Consider yourself as an English teacher. You find that certain students in your class are poor in English language and commit mistakes in language comprehensive-type questions. What will you do improve the performance of the students in language comprehension?
'लोक कथाएँ हमारे आम जीवन में सदियों से रची-बसी हैं। इन्हें हम अपने बड़े-बूढ़ों से बचपन से ही सुनते आ रहे हैं। लोक कथाओं के बारे में यह भी कहा जाता है कि बचपन के शुरुआती वर्षों में बच्चों को अपने परिवेश की महक, सोच व कल्पना की उड़ान देने के लिए इनका उपयोग जरूरी है। हम यह भी सुनते हैं कि बच्चों के भाषा के विकास के सन्दर्भ में भी इन कथाओं की उपयोगिता महत्त्वपूर्ण है।
ऐसा इसलिए कहा जाता है, क्योंकि इन लोक कथाओं के विभिन्न रूपों में हमें लोक जीवन के तत्त्व मिलते हैं, जो बच्चों के भाषा विकास में उल्लेखनीय भूमिका निभाते हैं। अगर हम अपनी पढ़ी हुई लोक कथाओं को याद करें, तो सहजता से हमें इनके कई उदाहरण मिल जाते हैं।
जब हम कहानी सुना रहे होते हैं, तो बच्चों से हमारी यह अपेक्षा रहती है कि वे पहली घटी घटनाओं को जरूर दोहराएँ। बच्चे भी घटना को याद रखते हुए साथ-साथ मजे से दोहराते हैं। इस तरह कथा सुनाने की इस प्रक्रिया में बच्चे इन घटनाओं को एक क्रम में रखकर देखते हैं। इन क्रमिक घटनाओं में एक तर्क होता है, जो बच्चों के मनोभावों से मिलता-जुलता है।'
गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नो में सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए
Q. बच्चों से हमारी क्या अपेक्षा रहती है?
निर्देश: नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नके लिए सबसे सही विकल्प चुनिए ।
प्राथमिक स्तर पर बच्चों की घर की भाषा को अपनी कक्षा में स्थान देना ज़रूरी है, क्योंकि घर की भाषा-
जिस छात्र का भाषा विकास तीव्र गति से होता है, उसकी इन्द्रिय होती है
हिन्दी भाषा के सतत और व्यापक मूल्यांकन के संदर्भ में कौन-सा कथन उचित नहीं है?
Read the given poem and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.
A synonym of the word 'besiege' is :
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Halku came in and said to his wife, ‘Sahna is at the door. Come on, give me the money you have. Let me pay him and be rid of the noose.’
His wife, Munni, was sweeping the floor. She turned her face towards him and said, ‘Three rupees is all I have. If we give these up, how shall you buy a blanket? How’ll you face the winter nights guarding the crop. Tell him, we shall pay at the time of harvest. Not now.’
Halku stood quietly for a moment, unsure of himself. The month of Poos, the peak of winter, was at hand and he won’t be able to sleep out in the field without a blanket. But Sahna won’t relent. He will threaten and curse. It was better to face the winter somehow and be rid of this trouble. Halku , carrying his heavy weight (which disproved his name which meant ‘light- weight’), moved towards his wife and said in a cajoling voice, ‘Come on, please give me the money. Let me get rid of this. I shall find a blanket somehow.’
Munni moved away from him, arching her eyes. ‘What’ll you do? Will someone give you a blanket in charity? God knows how much more we owe him. There’s no end to it. I say, stop tilling the land. Kill yourself toiling, and when the harvest is ready, hand it over to him. That’s the end. We’re born to remain under debt. And then slave as a labour to fill our stomach. What use is this tillage? I won’t give you the money. I won’t.’
‘So I should face the insults?’ Halku said in a melancholy tone.
‘How can he insult you? Is he the king?’ shouted Munni.
But the taut eyebrows were lowered just as she uttered these words. There was a bitter truth in Halku’s words that stared at them like a fierce animal.
She went up to the niche in the wall, took out the rupees and placed them on Halku’s palm. ‘You stop tilling the land. We shall feed ourselves through our daily labour peacefully. And we won’t have to face the insults. What sort of tilling is this? Earn something by labouring and push that too into this fire. And over and above, this bullying.
Q. Which of the following is not TRUE according to the passage?
Read the passage given below and answer the question that follows by selecting the most appropriate option.
In this floating village in Brazil, there is only one way to travel. Students go to school by boat. Locals go to worship by boat. Taxis arrive by boat. Even the soccer field is often a boat. There are three homemade fields on land, but they are submerged now in the annual flooding of the Black River. If the wooden goal posts had nets, they would be useful this time of the year only for catching fish. So, young players and adults improvise. They play soccer at a community centre that has a roof but no walls. They play on the dock of a restaurant. And they play on a parked ferry, a few wearing life jackets to cushion their fall. The high-water mark in the Rio Negro this year was the fifth-highest in more than a century of measurements.
As scientists study the impact of deforestation on the Amazon basin, and the cooling and warming of the Pacific Ocean, extreme patterns observed over the last 25 or 30 years raise an important unanswered question: “Are these trends human-induced climate change, or can we explain this with natural variability?” Villagers said that passing boats sometimes knocked down power lines during periods of exceptionally high water. And while the soccer fields are usually available for about half the year, the land has recently been dry enough for only four or five months of play. “We don’t have a place for the children to play,” said de Sousa, a shop owner. “They are stuck in the houses, bored.” The most adventurous, though, will find a game somewhere.
Q. Pick out the false statement.
Read the passage and answer the following questions.
There is a lovely story of a tree and a little boy who used to play in its shade. They had become friends. One day, the boy sat leaning against the trunk of the tree, crying. He was hungry. "Eat my fruit" said the kind tree bending down one of its branches. The boy ate the fruit and was happy. The boy grew up. One day, he sat under the tree with an anxious look on his face. "What is the matter?" asked the tree. "I am going to marry and I want a house to live in," said the young man. "Cut down my branches and build your house." said the tree. The young man built a house with the branches of the tree. The young man became a sailor. One day, he sat under the tree with a worried look. "What is the matter?" asked the tree. "My captain is a cruel fellow. I want a ship of my own." said the sailor. "Cut down my trunk and build a ship." The sailor lost his ship and returned home as a helpless old man. On a cold winter's day, he stood where the tree once was, leaning on his stick and trembling with cold. "Make a fire of me, and warm yourself' said the stump of the tree. The stump of the unselfish tree burnt in the fire, softly humming a tune.
Q. The two protagonists of the story are ________
Joey is planning to start a school for little children. Robert tells him that one thing is very important in a school for little children. What is it that Robert is referring to?
ELL students who are _________ learners remember things more when the teacher discusses them in a class than reading from a book.
Select the correct word for the blank.
I ____ buy an alarm clock today. I do not want to be late anymore.
The simple interest on a sum of money ₹800 for 2 years at 5% p.a. is:
A clock is set right at 10 p.m. It gains 12 minutes in 1 day. What it will be the correct time when it indicates 1 a.m.?
Identify the incorrect statement with regard to teaching the concept of geometry at primary level.
The length, breadth and height of a cuboidal box is 25 cm, 7.5 m and 85 cm. Find the volume of the box.
Most appropriate formative task to assess the students' understanding of data analysis is
Out of the following, which of the option below not shows the characteristics of pupils with creativity in Mathematics?
Select from the following the characteristics of the houses of Leh and Ladakh:
I. Slanting wooden roofs made of tree trunks
II. Ground floor without window
III. Thick walls made of stones and lime
IV. Wooden floors
In addition to the content, subjects taught in class must be used to build "broader thinking skills" in students. Certain thinking patterns are shown through misconceptions on various topics (within and outside the classroom). 'Context dependency' is an example of a thinking pattern that leads to student misconceptions because they use a concept that works in one context wrongly in another. Which of the following is most likely to be an example of a misconception due to 'context dependency'?
In E.V.S class of Tamil Nadu, what will be the less effective way to introduce to the habitat of Rajasthan-
30 tests