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Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Assam TET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test Assam TET Mock Test Series 2025 - Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics)

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) for Assam TET 2024 is part of Assam TET Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) questions and answers have been prepared according to the Assam TET exam syllabus.The Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) MCQs are made for Assam TET 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) below.
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Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 1

Identify the factor that does not influence student difficulty in learning.

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 1

Learning is an active process, transferable, measurable and goal-oriented. It is the desired change or modification of behaviour attained through experience and environment. It is both a formal and informal process, it is universal and continuous. From birth, every child should have access to high-quality learning opportunities for language, literacy and mathematics. These should be available in all early years settings, including the home, and facilitated by parents.

  • Psychological Factors: Psychological factors are unique or specific to the individuals engaged in the process of learning. Thorough knowledge and understanding of these factors are very essential for the teachers and parents in providing and guiding learning among the children.
    • Intelligence
    • Motivation
    • Maturation for Readiness to Learn
    • Emotions
    • Interests
    • Attitudes
    • Self-Concept
    • Learning Styles
  • Socio-Cultural (Environmental) Factors Influencing Learning: The socio-cultural environment, within which a child grows, has a significant impact on his/her learning. In fact, all learning occurs with special reference to the cultural context of an individual. The social constructivist view of psychology holds that all learning is culturally oriented and guided. For our own understanding, we can subdivide socio-cultural factors into a) family, b) neighbourhood and community; and c) socio-cultural diversities like caste, class, ethnicity, religion, etc. Also, since, socio-culture factors are affecting learning, so does economic factor, because, suppose, a poor boy may not have access to online learning while a rich boy may have.
  • School-Related Factors Influencing Learning: Learning is also assumed to be greatly influenced by the school and the school environment in which students are imparted with different types of learning experiences. The term ‘school environment’ encompasses the terms ‘school culture’ and ‘school climate’ that affect the behaviour of teachers and students.
  • Teaching-Learning Processes Related Factors Influencing Learning: It includes methods of learning and the influence of media on learning.

So, we conclude that all the facts influence student difficulty in learning.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 2

Which article enjoins that "all minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice"?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 2

Article 30(1) enjoins that "all minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice".

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Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 3

If Shyam is handicapped, he has trouble adjusting with the rest of the children in the class, then he tries to establish the adjustment in the class by bringing first place in the class. Which defense device is being adopted by Shyam?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 3

Defense mechanisms are learned and designed to tackle self-devaluation, anxiety, and hurt and operate automatically at habitual levels. They typically involve measures of self-deception and distortion. Defense mechanisms are usually exercised in combination instead of singly and quite often they are combined with task-oriented behavior. To a great extent, they are necessary to soften failure, alleviate anxiety and hurt, and protect feelings of significance adequacy, and worth. Normally, they are adjustive reactions but sometimes they seriously interfere with the effective resolution of stress. Defense mechanisms may feature in a negative or a positive form.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 4

The ____________ of learning in children, in which the learner perceives and responds to the whole situation, comes under Kohler's theory of understanding.

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 4

The field theory of learning in children, in which the learner perceives and responds to the whole situation, comes under Kohler's theory of understanding.
The associative theory of learning in children is described on the basis of stimulus response. In this, a relationship is established between the stimulus response. It is also called stimulus response or S-R principle.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 5

As a teacher, which of the following techniques will you follow to motivate the students of your class?
1. By setting induction
2. Use of black board
3. By illustration
4. By active participation of students

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 5

All of these techniques can be used to motivate the students of a class.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 6

In which stage, does the tendency of children to explore new and move around greatly increase?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 6

In pre-childhood, the tendency of children to explore new and move around greatly increases.
Pre-childhood covers the period from 2 to 6 years. It is also known as the preschool stage. The characteristics of pre-childhood are:

  • Some parents feel that behavioral problems of the childhood period are more troublesome than physical care of infants.
  • Some behavioral problems occur during this period such as obstinacy, stubbornness, disobedience, and antagonistic.
  • It is a toy age because most of the time children are engaged with their toys. These toys are also helpful to educate the children. Toys are an important element of their play activities.
  • The tendency of children to explore new and move around greatly increases.
  • This is a period when a child is considered physically and mentally independent. This is also a school-going age.
  • Children become more self-sufficient, and independent, and develop self-esteem.
  • This is the age of foundations of social behavior. They are a more organized social life they will be required to adjust to when they enter first grade.
  • Develop physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 7

As an upper primary school teacher, you have quite a few children who are 'first generation school goers' in your classroom. Which of the following are you most likely to do?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 7

Provide scaffolding and other kinds of support during classroom activities and for homework. scaffolding refers to a variety of instructional techniques used to move students progressively toward stronger understanding and, ultimately, greater independence in the learning process.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 8

Which of the following is not a primary emotion? 

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 8

Emotional Development: It is one of major aspects of human development. Emotions like love, anger, fear, etc. play a great role in the development of a child’s personality. It can be expressed in various ways, like facial expressions on the face, like gestures, like volume and tone of speech, by the behavioral display or motives of a person. There is no moment in our life when we do not experience emotions. They can result from a variety of external or internal stimulations.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 9

Which one of the following is NOT a type of learning according to Gagne’s Theory of Learning?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 9

Eight Intellectual Levels or Eight Conditions of Learning:

  • Signal learning: The learner makes a general response to a signal.
  • Stimulus-response learning: The learner makes a precise response to a signal.
  • Chaining: The connection of a set of individual stimulus and responses in a sequence.
  • Verbal association: The learner makes associations using verbal connections.
  • Discrimination Learning: The learner makes different responses to different stimuli that are somewhat alike.
  • Concept learning: The learner develops the ability to make a generalized response based on a class of stimuli.
  • Rule learning: A rule is a chain of concepts linked to demonstrated behaviour.
  • Problem-solving: The learner discovers a combination of previously learned rules and applies them to solve a novel situation.

Thus from the above-mentioned points, it is clear that proper prerequisites are not a type of learning according to Gagne’s Theory of Learning.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 10

निर्देश: गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में सबसे उचित विकल्प को चुनिए।
प्राचीन भारत में शिक्षा, ज्ञान प्राप्ति का सबसे बड़ा स्रोत माना जाता था। व्यक्ति के जीवन को सन्तुलित और श्रेष्ठ बनाने तथा एक नई दिशा प्रदान करने में शिक्षा का महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान था। सामाजिक बुराइयों को उसकी जड़ों से निर्मूल करने और त्रुटिपूर्ण जीवन में सुधार करने के लिए शिक्षा की नितान्त आवश्यकता थी। यह एक ऐसी व्यवस्था थी, जिसके द्वारा सम्पूर्ण जीवन ही परिवर्तित किया जा सकता था। व्यक्ति को अपने व्यक्तित्व का विकास करने, वास्तविक ज्ञान को प्राप्त करने और अपनी समस्याओं को दूर करने के लिए शिक्षा पर निर्भर होना पड़ता था। आधुनिक युग की भाँति प्राचीन भारत में भी मनुष्य के चरित्र का उत्थान शिक्षा से ही सम्भव था। सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्वों को निष्ठापूर्वक वहन करना प्रत्येक मानव का परम उद्देश्य माना जाता है। इसके लिए भी शिक्षित होना नितान्त अनिवार्य है। जीवन की वास्तविकता को समझने में शिक्षा का उल्लेखनीय योगदान रहता है। भारतीय मनीषियों ने इस ओर अपना ध्यान केन्द्रित करके शिक्षा को समाज की आधारशिला के रूप में स्वीकार किया। विद्या का स्थान किसी भी वस्तु से बहुत ऊँचा बताया गया। प्रखर बुद्धि एवं सही विवेक के लिए शिक्षा की उपयोगिता को स्वीकार किया गया। यह माना गया कि शिक्षा ही मनुष्य की व्यावहारिक कर्तव्यों का पाठ पढ़ाने और सफल नागरिक बनाने में सक्षम है। इसके माध्यम से व्यक्ति का शारीरिक, मानसिक और आत्मिक अर्थात् सर्वांगीण विकास सम्भव है। शिक्षा ने ही प्राचीन संस्कृति को संरक्षण दिया और इसके प्रसार में मदद की। विद्या का आरम्भ ‘उपनयन संस्कार’ द्वारा होता था। उपनयन संस्कार के महत्त्व पर प्रकाश डालते हुए मनुस्मृति में उल्लेख मिलता है कि गर्भाधान संस्कार द्वारा तो व्यक्ति का शरीर उत्पन्न होता है पर उपनयन संस्कार द्वारा उसका आध्यात्मिक जन्म होता है। प्राचीन काल में बच्चों को शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के लिए आचार्य के पास भेजा जाता था। शतपथ ब्राह्मण के अनुसार, जो ब्रह्मचर्य ग्रहण करता है। वह लम्बी अवधि की यज्ञावधि ग्रहण करता है। छान्दोग्योपनिषद् में उल्लेख मिलता है कि आरुणि ने अपने पुत्र श्वेतकेतु को ब्रह्मचारी रूप से वेदाध्ययन के लिए गुरु के पास जाने को प्रेरित किया था। आचार्य के पास रहते हुए ब्रह्मचारी को तप और साधना का जीवन बिताते हुए विद्याध्ययन में तल्लीन रहना पड़ता था। इस अवस्था में बालक जो ज्ञानार्जन करता था उसका लाभ उसको जीवन भर  मिलता था। गुरु गृह में निवास करते हुए विद्यार्थी समाज के निकट सम्पर्क में आता था। गुरु के लिए समिधा, जल का लाना तथा गृह-कार्य करना उसका कर्त्तव्य माना जाता था। गृहस्थ धर्म की शिक्षा के साथ-साथ वह श्रम और सेवा का पाठ पढ़ता था। शिक्षा केवल सैद्धान्तिक और पुस्तकीय न होकर जीवन की वास्तविकताओं के निकट होती थी।

Q. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कथन असत्य है?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 10

'प्राचीन भारत में मनुष्य का उत्थान धर्म-कर्म में लीन रहकर ही सम्भव था।' कथन असत्य है। दिए गए गद्यांश के अनुसार प्राचीन भारत में शिक्षा, ज्ञान प्राप्ति का सबसे बड़ा स्रोत माना जाता था।......शिक्षा ने ही प्राचीन संस्कृति को संरक्षण दिया और इसके प्रसार में मदद की।

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 11

उपचारात्मक शिक्षण एक है:

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 11

उपचारात्मक शिक्षण: सीखने के दौरान, बच्चा स्वेच्छा से-अनिच्छा से या कुछ वैकल्पिक अवधारणाओं के कारण गलतियाँ करता है। एक शिक्षक का काम छात्रों को निदान के बाद उन गलतियों को सुधारने में मदद करना है। इस प्रकार अपनाई जाने वाली विधि को उपचारात्मक शिक्षण के रूप में जाना जाता है। इसकी निम्नलिखित विशेषताएं हैं:

  • इसका उपयोग भाषा कौशल में सुधार के लिए किया जा सकता है।
  • किसी विशेष समस्या क्षेत्र को ठीक करने के लिए इसका उपयोग किया जा सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, एक छात्र 'no' और 'know' के उच्चारण में उलझन में है, उसे मूक अक्षरों की अवधारणा सिखाई जा सकती है।
  • यह छात्रों के सामने आने वाली समस्याओं और चुनौतियों की पहचान के बाद किया जाता है।
  • इस पद्धति को लागू करने के लिए एक शिक्षक को छात्रों की ताकत और कमजोरियों से अच्छी तरह अवगत होना चाहिए।
  • यह एक व्यवस्थित प्रक्रिया है क्योंकि शिक्षक पहले छात्रों की समस्या का निदान करता है और फिर उपयुक्त उपचारात्मक विधियों को लागू करता है।

इसलिए, हम यह निष्कर्ष निकालते हैं कि उपचारात्मक शिक्षण एक व्यवस्थित प्रक्रिया है।

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 12

निर्देश : नीचे दिए गए पद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर सबसे सटीक विकल्प का चयन कीजिए-
पालने के सिरहाने गायी जाने वाली लोरियों से लेकर
रेडियो से आने वाले समाचारों तक
हर जगह छिपे हुए असत्य पर विजय पाना
चाहे वह असत्य हृदय में हो या किताबों में
या शोर-गुल भरी सड़कों पर 
कितना कल्पनातीत आनंद है ज्ञान में
यह जान लेने में
कि समय के कदम अनिवार्य रूप से किधर बढ़ते रहेंगे
और अब भविष्य में क्या आनेवाला है।

Q. कविता के अनुसार सत्य और ज्ञान से -

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 12

पद्यांश के अनुसार:- 
कवि ने कविता के माध्यम से सत्य की खोज तथा ज्ञान की प्राप्ति को निश्चित समय व भविष्य को जानने की स्थिति को प्रदर्शित किया है। 

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 13

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए।
आधुनिकतावाद, अपनी व्यापक परिभाषा में, आधुनिक सोच, चरित्र, या प्रथा है अधिक विशेष रूप से, यह शब्द उन्नीसवीं सदी के अंत और बीसवीं सदी के आरम्भ में मूल रूप से पश्चिमी समाज में व्यापकतम पैमाने पर और सुदूर परिवर्तनों से उत्पन्न होने वाली सांस्कृतिक प्रवृत्तियों के एक समूह एवं सम्बद्ध सांस्कृतिक आन्दोलनों की एक सारणी दोनों का वर्णन करता है। यह शब्द अपने भीतर उन लोगों की गतिविधियों और उत्पादन को समाहित करता है जो एक उभरते सम्पूर्ण औद्योगीकृत विश्व की नवीन आर्थिक, सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक स्थितियों में पुराने होते जा रहे कला, वास्तुकला, साहित्य, धार्मिक विश्वास, सामाजिक संगठन और दैनिक जीवन के "पारंपरिक" रूपों को महसूस करते थे। आधुनिकतावाद ने ज्ञानोदय की सोच की विलंबकारी निश्चितता को और एक करुणामय, सर्वशक्तिशाली निर्माता के अस्तित्व को भी मानने से अस्वीकार कर दिया। इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि सभी आधुनिकतावादी लोगों या आधुनिकतावादी आन्दोलनों ने या तो धर्म को या ज्ञानोदय की सोच के पहलुओं को मानने से इंकार कर दिया है, इसके बजाय कि आधुनिकतावाद को अतीत काल की ''सूक्तियों'' के पूछताछ के रूप में देखा जा सकता है। आधुनिकतावाद की एक मुख्य विशेषता आत्म-चेतना है। इसकी वजह से अक्सर रूप और कार्य पर प्रयोग किया जाता है जो प्रक्रियाओं और प्रयुक्त सामग्रियों की तरफ (और मतिहीनता की अगली प्रवृत्ति की तरफ) ध्यान आकर्षित करता है। "मेक इट न्यू!" के लिए कवि एज़्रा पाउंड पर रूप निदर्शनात्मक निषेधाज्ञा लग गई थी। आधुनिकतावादियों के "नव निर्माण" में एक नया ऐतिहासिक युग शामिल था या नहीं, यह अब बहस का मुद्दा बना हुआ है।

Q. आधुनिकता की व्यापक परिभाषा नहीं है:

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 13

दिए गए विकल्पों में से आधुनिकता की व्यापक परिभाषा नहीं है - समाज में व्याप्त रुढ़िवादी विचार धारा को प्रोत्साहित करना है।
गद्यांश के अनुसार -
आधुनिकता, आधुनिक सोच, चरित्र, और प्रथा है।
आर्थिक, सामाजिक, राजनितिक और सांस्कृतिक परिवर्तन है।
​नवीन आर्थिक, सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक स्थितियों में पुराने होते जा रहे कला, वास्तुकला, साहित्य, धार्मिक विश्वास, सामाजिक संगठन और दैनिक जीवन के "पारंपरिक" रूपों को पुन: पोषित करना।

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 14

BICS __________________ कौशल है।

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 14

अंग्रेजी के शिक्षण से विद्यार्थियों को आधारभूत अंतर्वैयक्तिक संप्रेषणात्मक कौशल में दक्ष बनाना चाहिए।

  • BICS का मतलब- आधारभूत अंतःर्वैयक्तिक संप्रेषणात्मक कौशल ( Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) ​है।
    • यह दूसरी भाषा में संवादी प्रवाह के विकास का वर्णन करता है।
Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 15

कक्षा 6 के बच्चे को वर्णमाला अधिगम में कठिनाई होती है। संभवतः वह अधिगम विकार से ग्रस्त है-

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 15

डिस्लेक्सिया: पढ़ने में विकार या समस्या होने पर यह पठन अक्षमता उत्पन्न होती है जिसे डिस्लेक्सिया कहते हैं। डिस्लेक्सिया ग्रीक भाषा के दो शब्द डस और लेक्सिस से मिलकर बना है जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ है, कथन भाषा यह अधिगम अक्षमता के सबसे सामान्य प्रकार है। सह भाषा के लिखित रूप, मौखिक रूप एवं भाषायी दक्षता को प्रभावित करता है।

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 16

आकलन के संदर्भ में किसी शिक्षक के लिए क्या जानना-समझना सबसे अधिक जरूरी है?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 16

सतत आकलन का अर्थ है बालक की अधिगम संबंधी कठिनाईयों को पहचानना, जिससे कठिनाईयों को पहचानने के बाद शिक्षक इन्हें सुधारने के लिए उचित कदम उठा सके।

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 17

प्राथमिक स्तर पर विद्यार्थियों के भाषा-शिक्षण के संदर्भ में कौन-सा कथन सही है?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 17

बच्चों को ऐसा वातावरण मिलना जरूरी है, जो भाषा से समृद्ध हो।समृद्ध भाषिक परिवेश में  बच्चे सहज रूप से स्वतः ही भाषा में सुधार कर सकते हैं।

  • पढ़ने का आरम्भ अर्थपूर्ण एवं लिपि से होना चाहिए और किसी उद्देश्य के लिए होना चाहिए।
  • यह उद्देश्य कहानी सुनकर-पढ़कर आनन्द लेना भी हो सकता है।
  • धीरे-धीरे बच्चों में भाषा की लिपि से परिचित होने के बाद अपने परिवेश में उपलब्ध लिखित भाषा को पढ़ने-समझने की जिज्ञासा उत्तपन्न होने लगती है।
Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 18

A teacher tell the class, the rules of subject-verb agreement in simple present tense and then asks the student to frame sentences in simple present tense keeping in mind those rules. He/she is using - 

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 18

A deductive approach involves the learners being given a general rule, which is then applied to specific language examples and honed through practice exercises.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 19

‘Check word order ’ would come under which heading?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 19

'Check Word Order' would come under the Grammar heading. 
The ordering of the words in a sentence is called Word order. Every language has a standard word order. The standard word order in English is- Subject + Verb + Object. In order to write the proper sequence of words, we should know what is subject, verb, and object. It is important to know the sequence of words as it impacts the meaning. For example, "Sneha plays football" and "Football plays Sneha" both sentences are conveying two different meanings since the position of the subject and object are changed. The same thing will happen if we change the position of the verb, for instance: "plays football Sneha". 

  • Word order comes under Grammar because grammar deals with the structure and functions of a language. It is the study of words, their usage in a sentence, and their change of meaning in different contexts. 
  • Organization of ideas comes under the composition and speech as it deals with the ordering of ideas, incidents, events, or details in a perceptible manner in a paragraph, essay, or speech. 
  • Vocabulary and general meaning is a word stock of a language whereas story length deals with the length of a story (word count).
Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 20

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Initiatives such as “4 per mille” and Terraton aim to sequester huge amounts of carbon in the soil. The 2018 U.S. Farm Bill includes the first-ever incentives for farmers to adopt practices aimed at improving soil health and sequestering carbon. But these initiatives are missing a key point: not all soil carbon is the same.
The very different lifetimes of particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter have important implications for these efforts. For example, adding low-quality crop residues to agricultural fields would likely create more particulate organic matter than mineral-associated organic matter. This could increase soil carbon in the short term - but if that field later is disturbed by tilling, a lot of it would decompose and the benefit would be quickly reversed. The best practices focus on building up the mineral-associated organic matter for longer-term carbon storage, while also producing high-quality particulate organic matter with lots of nitrogen to help boost crop productivity.
Natural healthy soils show us that providing continuous and diverse plant inputs that reach all the way to deep soil is key for achieving both high mineral-associated organic matter storage and particulate organic matter recycling. There are many promising ways to do this, such as maintaining plant cover on fields year-round; growing diverse crops that include high-nitrogen legumes and perennials with deep roots; and minimizing tillage.
However, not all soils can accumulate both mineral-associated organic matter and particulate organic matter. Before implementing any management practices for carbon sequestration, participants should first assess the carbon storage potential of the local soil, much as a doctor studies a patient before prescribing a cure. Sequestering soil carbon effectively requires an understanding of how particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter work, how human actions affect them, and how to build up both types to meet our planet’s climate and food security needs.

Q.Identify the part of speech of the underlined word.
However, not all soils can accumulate both mineral-associated organic matter.

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 20

Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing. A verb is a doing word that shows an action, an event, or a state. In other words, a verb is a word that informs about action, the existence of something, or an occurrence. In our sentence, the soil is the subject and accumulation is the action. Thus, accumulate is a verb.

  • A noun is a word that names something (such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, or idea) and is typically used in a sentence as the subject or object of a verb or a preposition.
    Ex: Johnny Depp acted brilliantly in the movie Edward Scissorhands.
  • ​An adverb is a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase.
    Ex: Walk carefully lest you should fall.​
  • Conjunctions are the words used to connect two words or clauses or sentences.
    ​Ex: John David Washington and Robert Pattinson starred in Christopher Nolan-directed thriller Tenet. 
Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 21

If a cone and a sphere have equal radii and equal volumes, then the ratio between the diameter of the sphere and height of the cone is

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 21

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 22

Consider the following sets of reproductive terms:
(A) Sperm, oviduct, egg, uterus
(B) Ovulation, egg, oviduct, uterus
(C) Sperm, testis, sperm duct, penis
(D) Mensuration, egg, oviduct, uterus
The sets of correct combination are

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 22

Ovulation, egg, oviduct, and uterus correspond to female reproductive system.
Sperm, testis, sperm duct, and penis correspond to male reproductive system.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 23

Which of the following is caused by friction?
I. Soles of shoes wear out
II. You feel heat when you rub your hands

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 23

Friction: Friction is an opposing force that comes into play when the body is actually moving (slide or roll) or even tries to move over the surface of another body.

The presence of irregularities between the two surfaces in contact causes friction. 
Cause of Friction:
Friction is a evil because it cause of loss of energy and wear and tear of surfaces.

  • Soles of shoes wear out
  • We feel heat when we rub our hands.
  • Lighting a matchstick
  • Working of an eraser
  • Coming down a Kid’s slide
  • Holding onto objects

Hence we can conclude that Both I and II are the caused by friction.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 24

NCERT Science textbooks for upper primary classes include a large number of daily life related questions which have been left unanswered. This has been done so that

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 24

NCERT Science textbooks for upper primary classes include a large number of daily life related questions which have been left unanswered. This has been done so that the students can seek answer to these questions by exploring different resources. This will widen their horizons of knowledge.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 25

In order to enhance the self-esteem of students, they should be allowed to

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 25

In order to enhance the self-esteem of students, they should be allowed to take part in discussions and debates.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 26

You have two test tubes 'A' and 'B'. Test tube 'A' contains paste of turmeric, whereas test tube 'B' contains aqueous solution of phenolphthalein. On adding a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid to these test tubes, the contents of

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 26

Being an acid, hydrochloric acid does not change the colour of turmeric indicator, as acids do not change the colour of turmeric indicator. Also, phenolphthalein indicator would remain colourless in acids.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 27

Which of the following statements does not indicate a merit of lesson planning?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 27

Option (3) is not a merit of lesson planning. This is one of the merits of assessment. The formative and summative assessments help the teachers to know about the extent of knowledge gained by the student. The teacher can thus devise methods to improve her teaching methodology.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 28

Which of the following examples illustrates direct experience and knowledge?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 28

Direct experience is the type of experience that is gained by the active participation of an individual. Such types of experiences are only acquired by doing with own hands. For example, learning how to ride a bicycle requires a person to himself get on the saddle and start pedaling. Just by seeing others riding a cycle will not help.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 29

Which of the following is/are the skill of micro-teaching in Mathematics?
i. the skill of integrating knowledge and experience
ii. the skill of facilitating child-centric learning
iii. the skill of developing observation in learners

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 29

Microteaching has been considered an effective technique for the development of teaching skills for teachers. The technique has been refined over a period of the last thirty years. Microteaching is like a simulation technique for developing teaching skills. This approach is used to shape the teacher's behavior based on an effective feedback mechanism.

Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 30

To promote meaningful learning in a science classroom with diverse learners , which of the followings should be taken care by the teacher?

Detailed Solution for Assam TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 8 (Science and Mathemtics) - Question 30

Learning is a comprehensive process that refers to a change in behavior, knowledge, and skill as a result of practice and experience. It represents a progressive change in behavior.

  • ​It is a life-long process. Learning is not inherited but can begin right from birth by providing constant interaction and stimulation received from the physical, social, and cultural environment and it does not stop till the end.
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