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CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - CG TET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test CG TET Mock Test Series 2024 - CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics)

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) for CG TET 2025 is part of CG TET Mock Test Series 2024 preparation. The CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) questions and answers have been prepared according to the CG TET exam syllabus.The CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) MCQs are made for CG TET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) below.
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CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 1

Which of the sequence is appropriate when development proceeds from the centre to the peripheral areas of the body?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 1

The term development” is generally used to refer to the dynamic process by which an individual grows and changes throughout its lifespan. It is often thought of as the process of qualitative change taking place from conception to death. In this way, development is a broad term and deals with all areas including physical, motor, cognitive, physiological, social, emotional, and personality. It should be noted that developments in all these areas are interrelated. 

  • Cephalo - Caudal Sequence: The direction of development is from head to limbs i.e, in a longitudinal axis called ‘cephalocaudal.
  • Proximo distal Sequence: The spinal cord develops before the outer parts of the body. The child's arms develop before the hands and the hands and feet develop before the fingers and toes.  The development direction is from the center to the periphery called ‘proximodistal’.
  • Locomotion Sequence: Various kinds of motions such as walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc. by the body are known as locomotion. Movement is one of the characteristic features of all living organisms. Locomotion helps us to move from one place to another.
  • Bilateral Sequence: The human body plan is bilateral with symmetrical sense organs, a fast responding brain, half the body weight in muscles, a powerful heart, miles of arteries and veins, and a brain that coordinates it all.

So, we can conclude that the Proximo distal Sequence is appropriate when development proceeds from the center to the peripheral areas of the body.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 2

Reducing the time allotted to complete an assignment to make it coincide with time of attention, and increasing this time in a phased manner will be best suited to deal with which of the following disorders?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 2

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention. These behaviors interfere with school and home life.
Reducing the time allotted to complete an assignment to make it coincide with time of attention, and increasing this time in a phased manner will be best suited to deal with attention deficit hyperactivity.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 3

Which of the following is not related with learner-centred education?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 3

Student-centred learning, also known as learner-centred education, broadly encompasses methods of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student. Question-answer method is based on teacher's own discretion and does not put learner first.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 4

What is egocentrism according to Piaget?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 4

Egocentrism can be defined as the child being the center of the world and everything revolves around him. Egocentrism in early childhood refers to the tendency of young children to think that everyone sees things in the same way as the child.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 5

The best way to inculcate moral values in children is

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 5

The best way to inculcate moral values in children is demonstration of the moral values by teachers and elders. Students have a knack of imitating elders, especially parents and teachers. Any move taken by the elder seriously affects the students learning ability. They try to imitate them, and thus the moral values are inculcated, which later on are inculcated as habit.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 6

कुमार किसी पठन सामग्री में से किसी शब्द विशेष की पहचान कर लेता है या जब कुछ बोला जाए तब भी शब्द विशेष की पहचान कर लेता है परन्तु स्वयं की भाषा में इसका प्रयोग नहीं कर पता है। आप इस शब्द संपदा को क्या कहेंगे?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 6

कुमार किसी पठन सामग्री में से किसी शब्द विशेष की पहचान कर लेता है या जब कुछ बोला जाए तब भी शब्द विशेष की पहचान कर लेता है परन्तु स्वयं की भाषा में इसका प्रयोग नहीं कर पता है। आप इस शब्द संपदा को निष्क्रिय शब्द-संपदा कहेंगे।
शब्द संपदा (शब्दकोश, शब्दावली) शब्दों का एक सेट है जो एक व्यक्ति अपने भाषण में समझता है और उपयोग करता है।
शब्द संपदा आमतौर पर दो प्रकारों में विभाजित होती है: सक्रिय और निष्क्रिय।

  • सक्रिय शब्दावली - ये ऐसे शब्द हैं जो एक व्यक्ति नियमित रूप से मौखिक भाषण और लेखन में उपयोग करता है।
  • निष्क्रिय शब्दावली - यह उन शब्दों का सेट है जो एक व्यक्ति कान से या पढ़ते समय जानता और समझता है, लेकिन खुद उनका उपयोग नहीं करता है।
  • जॉन रेनॉल्ड्स और पेट्रीसिया एकर्स के अनुसार, "आपकी निष्क्रिय शब्दावली में सक्रिय से अधिक शब्द होने की संभावना है। अपने लेखन में शब्दावली की सीमा में सुधार करने का एक तरीका है अपने निष्क्रिय से सक्रिय शब्दावली में शब्दों को स्थानांतरित करने का प्रयास करना"
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 7

अपारदर्शी शीट पर सामग्री को ________ हार्डवेयर की मदद से प्रक्षेपित किया जाता है।

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 7

अपारदर्शी प्रोजेक्टर, एपिडियोस्कोप, एपिडायस्कोप या एपिस्कोप एक ऐसा उपकरण है जो ऊपर से वस्तु पर एक उज्ज्वल दीपक चमकाकर अपारदर्शी सामग्री प्रदर्शित करता है। दर्पण, प्रिज्म और/या इमेजिंग लेंस की एक प्रणाली का उपयोग सामग्री की एक छवि को देखने वाली स्क्रीन पर केंद्रित करने के लिए किया जाता है।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 8

किस पद्धति में शिक्षक को सभी पद्धतियों के बारे में जागरुक होना चाहिए?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 8

शिक्षण अधिगम प्रक्रिया में शिक्षक परामर्शदाता का कार्य करता है।
परामर्श एक निर्धारित रूप से संरचित स्वीकृत सम्बन्ध है जो परामर्श प्रार्थी को पर्याप्त मात्रा में स्वयं के समझने में सहायता देता है जिससे वह अपने नवीन ज्ञान के परिप्रेक्ष्य में ठोस कदम उठा सके। 
परामर्श के सिद्धान्तों को चार वर्गों में बाँटा जा सकता है-

  • प्रभाववर्ती सिद्धांत
  • व्यवहारवादी सिद्धांत
  • बोधात्मक सिद्धांत

व्यवस्थावादी विभिन्न-दर्शनग्राही प्रारूप उपागम
व्यवस्थावादी विभिन्न-दर्शनग्राही प्रारूप उपागम- व्यवस्थावादी उपागम की प्रमुख विशेषता परामर्श का विभिन्न चरणें में संयोजित होना है।

  • प्रथम अवस्था- समस्या अन्वेषण 
  • द्वितीय अवस्था- द्विआयामी समस्या परिभाषा 
  • तृतीय अवस्था- विकल्पों का अभिज्ञान करना 
  • चतुर्थ अवस्था- आयोजना
  • पंचम अवस्था- क्रिया प्रतिबद्धता 
  • शष्ठ अवस्था- मूल्यांकन एवं फीडबैक

अतः निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि विभिन्न दर्शनग्राही / ग्रहणशील पद्धति में शिक्षक को सभी पद्धतियों के बारे में जागरुक होना चाहिए।
अतः विकल्प (D) सही  है।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 9

स्वतंत्र लेखन का मुख्य लाभ यह है कि शिक्षार्थी _________

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 9

स्वतंत्र लेखन: स्वतंत्र लेखन का अर्थ अंतर्ज्ञान, व्यक्तिगत अवलोकन और अनुभव से लिखना है।
इस स्तर पर, शिक्षार्थी विभिन्न संरचनाओं, शब्दावली और शाब्दिक वस्तुओं को चुनने के लिए स्वतंत्र हैं और अपने स्वयं के विचारों को व्यक्त करते हैं। इसलिए इस प्रकार की रचना को मुक्त रचना कहा जाता है।
मुक्त रचना में पर्याप्त अभ्यास विद्यार्थियों को घटनाओं का वर्णन करने और रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी पर रिपोर्ट लिखने में सक्षम बनाता है।
स्वतंत्र रचना में व्यक्ति अपनी भाषा का उपयोग करने के लिए स्वतंत्र होता है।
लेखक की स्वतंत्र लेखन​ प्रकृति - उसकी भावनाओं, संवेगों, भाषा के अलंकार का ज्ञान, भाषा का प्रवाह, विचारों के संगठन, उसकी पसंद और नापसंद, आदि की जाँच करता है।
उच्च कक्षाओं में, विद्यार्थियों को मुक्त रचना लिखने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है।
स्वतंत्र रचना के कुछ प्रकार है - यात्रा वृत्तान्त, प्रकृति वर्णन, जीवनी लेखन आदि।
अतः निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि स्वतंत्र लेखन का मुख्य लाभ यह है कि शिक्षार्थी रचनात्मक बनने की स्वतंत्रता का लाभ उठाते हैं।
अतः विकल्प (C) सही  है।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 10

'भाषा के खंड' का अध्ययन जो एक वाक्य से बड़ा है वह है:

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 10

'भाषा के खंड' का अध्ययन जो एक वाक्य से बड़ा है वह प्रवचन है। यह लिखित और मौखिक संचार को दर्शाता है। यह प्रत्येक तौर-तरीके और संचार के संदर्भ में बातचीत का एक वैचारिक सामान्यीकरण है।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 11

उच्चारण संबंधी त्रुटियों का निदान करने के लिए किया जाता है:

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 11

सस्वर पठन- स्वर सहित पढ़ते हुए अर्थ ग्रहण करने को सस्वर पठन कहते है। सस्वर पठन उच्चारण, स्पष्टोचारण, अनुतान और भावसहित पढ़ने के उप-शिक्षण और सुधार का बहुत ही प्रभावी साधन है। सस्वर पठन से ही बालक की उच्चारण संबंधी त्रुटियों का पता लगाया जा सकता है, त्रुटियों के निदान के बाद शिक्षक उचित उपचार करके त्रुटियों को दूर करने की कोशिश करता है।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 12

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।
विज्ञान ने प्राचीन काल के ऋषियों-मुनियों और गुरूओं के मंत्रों और अस्त्रों के प्रयोग को आज विभिन्न प्रकार के आविष्कारों द्वारा सत्य कर दिया है। रामायण काल के पुष्पक विमान, वर्षा, अग्नि, वायु आदि की शक्तियों को प्रकट करने वाले बाणों, समुद्र सोख कर जमीन निकालने वाले मंत्र से चलने वाले अद्भुत बाण-अस्त्र, महाभारतकालीन संजय की प्राप्त हुई दिव्य-दृष्टि आदि को साक्षात् और सत्य करने के लिए विज्ञान ने हमें बहुत कुछ उपलब्ध करा दिया है।
मनुष्य विज्ञान की सहायता से शारीरिक कमज़ोरियों एवं स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याओं से निजात पाने में सक्षम हो गया है। ऐसी असाध्य बीमारियों का इलाज भी संभव है, जिन्हें पहले लाइलाज समझा जाता था। अब टीबी सहित कैंसर जैसी खतरनाक बीमारियों को शुरुआती स्तर पर ही समाप्त करना संभव हो गया है।
विज्ञान का सहयोग मनुष्य के लिए एक अभिशाप के रूप में भी सामने आया है। विज्ञान की सहायता से मानव ने घातक हथियारों का आविष्कार किया तथा साथ ही मनुष्य ने अपने सुख-चैन के लिए अनेक प्रकार की मशीनों को भी आविष्कार किया, किंतु अफ़सोस की बात यह है कि मशीन के साथ-साथ वह भी मशीन होता जा रहा है, जिसके कारण उसकी जीवन-शैली भी अत्यंत व्यस्त हो गई है।

Q. ‘आविष्कार’ शब्द में निम्न में से कौन-सा उपसर्ग है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 12

दिए गए विकल्पों में से ‘आविष्कार’ शब्द ‘आविस्’ उपसर्ग से बना है।
‘आविस्’ उपसर्ग का अर्थ प्रकट या बाहर होना है। आविष्कार में मूल शब्द कार है। इसके अन्य उदहारण- आविष्कृत।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 13

हवा का ज़ोर वर्षा की झड़ी, झाड़ों का गिर पड़ना
कहीं गरजन का जाकर दूर सिर के पास फिर पड़ना
उमड़ती नदी का खेती की छाती तक लहर उठना
ध्वजा की तरह बिजली का दिशाओं में फहर उठना
ये वर्षा के अनोखे दृश्य जिसको प्राण से प्यारे
जो चातक की तरह ताकता है बादल घने कजरारे
जो भूखा रहकर, धरती चीरकर जग को खिलाता है
जो पानी वक्त पर आए नहीं तो तिलमिलाता है
अगर आषाढ़ के पहले दिवस के प्रथम इस क्षण में
वही हलधर अधिक आता है, कालिदास के मन में
तू मुझको क्षमा कर देना।
उपर्युक्त पद्यांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न का उत्तर बताइए।

Q. बादल के गरजने की अनुभूति किस तरह होती है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 13

पद्यांश में आयी पंक्तियाँ:-

  • हवा का ज़ोर वर्षा की झड़ी, झाड़ों का गिर पड़ना
    कहीं गरजन का जाकर दूर सिर के पास फिर पड़ना​

यहाँ बादल के गर्जन को इतना तेज़ बताया है जैसे वह सिर के पास ही फट रहा हो। 

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 14

Directions: Read the given poem and answer the question that follows by selecting the most appropriate option.
As I Watch You Grow
Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into what you will be.
You came from within, from just beneath my heart.
It's there you'll always be, though your own life will now start.
You're growing so fast it sends me a whirl,
With misty eyes I ask, Where's my little girl?
I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair,
But one day you will see, I taught you well because I care.
The next few years will so quickly fly,
With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry.
As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know,
You'll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go.
You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear,
For all you dreams and goals sit before you very near.
With God's love in your heart and the world by its tail,
You'll always be my winner, and victory will prevail.
For you this poem was written, with help from above,
To tell you in a rhythm of your Mother's heartfelt love!

Q. The phrase 'the world by its tail' means to

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 14

The phrase 'the world by its tail' means to overcome challenges. It is a phrase that means to 'have destiny under control'. Overcoming challenges signifies the control one has on one's life. So, option (2) is the correct answer.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 15

Direction: Read the following passage and answer the question. (choose the most appropriate answers)
When another old cave is discovered in the South France, it is not usually news. Rather, it is an ordinary event. Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them. However, when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940, the world was amazed. Painted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years ago. The scenes show people hunting animals , such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals. Early artists drawing these animals accomplished a monumental difficult task. They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or crawling into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex. Unfortunately, the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes, which easily wear the images away. Because the Lascaux caves have many entrances, air movement has also damaged the images inside, Although they are not out in the open air, where natural light would have destroyed them long ago, many of the images have deteriorated and are barely recognizable. To prevent further damage, the site was closed to tourists in 1963, 23 years after it was discovered.

Q. The underlined word ‘ However’ is used in the sentence as :

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 15

Let's discuss the marked option first; i.e. 'Adverb':

  • Adverbs are used to add more information about a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a clause or a whole sentence.
    E.g. - very tall (modifying adjective 'tall'), ended too quickly (modifying another adverb 'quickly), Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella (modifying the whole sentence).
  • However (adverb): despite what has been said earlier
    Ex: This is one possible solution to the problem. However, there are others. ('however' is modifying the whole clause 'This is one possible solution to the problem')
  • Similarly, in the given question sentence, 'however' adds information to the previous sentence 'Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them'.

Therefore, the correct part of speech of the asked word is 'Adverb'.
(Option 3) is the correct answer.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 16

As per Noam Chomsky’s theory, the role of the Language Acquisition Device (LAD) helps children to:

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 16

Noam Chomsky, known as the father of modern linguistics, has made a crucial contribution to the field of linguistics. According to Noam Chomsky, Humans are pre-programmed with an inborn/innate ability to develop language as they have LAD ( Language Acquisition Device) and it contains the knowledge of grammatical rules which is common to all languages and allows children to understand rules of whatever language they are listening to.
Chomsky's View about language in brief:

  • Innate ability: He strongly believes that children born with an innate knowledge of grammar serve as the basis for all language acquisition.
  • Generative grammar: According to Chomsky it refers to a finite set of rules to generate sentences and can be used to produce more sentences in that language.
  • Universal Grammar Theory: It states that all children are born with an innate ability to acquire, develop, and understand language. Chomsky believed grammar must be a universal constant in humans because of something he dubbed the poverty of the stimulus.
  • Language Acquisition Device: Chomsky proposed that humans are equipped with a language acquisition device that enables a child to acquire and produce language.
    • A human child is born with the ability to learn the language and they have LAD which generates grammar rules and helps to develop language.

Therefore, from the above-mentioned points, it becomes clear that as per Noam Chomsky’s theory, the role of the Language Acquisition Device (LAD) helps children to generate grammar rules.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 17

Read the sentence:
I can recall those happy events.
The words underlined show a/an

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 17

The underlined words represent the ability of a person to recall something.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 18

Assertion (A): Assessment is the process of collecting information with regard to the abilities, interests, aptitude, personality, and attitudes of learners.
Reasoning (R): It is a product-oriented approach that is used to determine the outcomes (what students have learned) and the learning approaches of the learners.

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 18

Assessment is done to determine the outcomes (what students have learned), process (the way they learned), and their approach to the learning before, during, or after the program or course.

  • During instruction, the assessment can be used to determine what students are learning so that if there is a need, the teacher can adjust their teacher.
  • It is a process-oriented approach that is used to identify the areas for improvement in the learning process.
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 19

Which of the following is an example of semantic grouping?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 19

Grouping concerns (i) the system of language, and (ii) its structures. Grouping the system of language means what sounds, words, phrases and meanings are to be taught.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 20

Choose the correct phrase to fill in the blank in the sentence.
She ___________ living in Chennai since 1989.

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 20

The correct sentence will be, 'She has been living in Chennai since 1989.' as it talks about the present. 'Had been' would have been appropriate if some other information had been given after 1989 referring to past.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 21

Kavya is a language teacher. She asked her students to find words belonging to different subjects and asked to provide the partner words (such words that sit before or after a particular word) for those words. What is this method known as?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 21

The world of words in any language is fascinating. When we talk of the expanding vocabulary of a language, we generally refer to words that form the meaning-based of that language. 

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 22

Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely, and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock; in some towns, there were so many people that the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 20th, but in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours so that it could begin at ten o’clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner.
The children assembled first, of course. The school was recently over for the summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them; they tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play, and their talk was still of the classroom and the teacher, of books and reprimands. Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix—the villagers pronounced this name “Dellacroy”—eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys. The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys, and the tiny children rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters.
Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet, and they smiled rather than laughed. The women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands. Soon the women, standing by their husbands, began to call to their children, and the children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times. Bobby Martin ducked under his mother’s grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones. His father spoke up sharply, and Bobby came quickly and took his place between his father and his oldest brother.

Q. Which of the following statements are true concerning Bobby Martin?
A. Bobby Martin ducked under his mother’s grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones. 
B. Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix—the villagers pronounced this name “Dellacroy”—eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys.

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 22

The correct answer is Both A and B are true.
The answer can be decided by looking at the lines given in the second and last paragraph of the passage: 
​"Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix—the villagers pronounced this name “Dellacroy”—eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys."
"Bobby Martin ducked under his mother’s grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones."
​From the above lines, it is clear that both statements A and B are correct.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 23

Storytelling as a strategy in language teaching is aimed at _______.

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 23

Storytelling refers to the art of narrating a story. It is used as a strategy in language teaching which broadens learners' reading choices. Storytelling promotes a whole language approach.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 24

Some dinosaurs had feathers although they could not fly, but birds have feathers that help them to fly. In the context of evolution this means that

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 24

Some dinosaurs had feathers although they could not fly, but birds have feathers that help them to fly. In the context of evolution, this means that feathers are homologous structures in both the organisms.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 25

If a variable takes discrete values a + 4, a - 3.5, a - 2.5, a - 3, a - 2, a + 0.5, a + 5 and a - 0.5 where a > 0, then the median of the data set is

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 25

The given values =  a + 4, a – 3.5, a – 2.5, a – 3, a – 2, a + 0.5, a + 5 and a – 0.5
Concept used:
If n is odd
Median = [(n + 1)/2]th observations
If n is even
Median = [(n/2)th + (n/2 + 1)th observations]/2
a + 4, a – 3.5, a – 2.5, a – 3, a – 2, a + 0.5, a + 5 and a – 0.5
Arrange the data in ascending order
⇒ a – 3.5, a – 3, a – 2.5, a – 2, a – 0.5, a + 0.5, a + 4, a + 5
Here, the n is 8, which is even
Median =  [(n/2)th + (n/2 + 1)th observations]/2
⇒ [(8/2) + (8/2 + 1)/2] term
⇒ 4th + 5th term
⇒ [(a – 2 + a – 0.5)/2]
⇒ [(2a – 2.5)/2]
⇒ a – 1.25
∴ The median of the data set is a – 1.25.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 26

Anil is able to answer all questions orally, but commits mistakes while writing the solutions of problems. The best remedial strategy to remove errors in his writing is

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 26

The best remedial strategy to remove errors in his writing is providing him with a worksheet with partially solved problems to complete the missing gaps.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 27

'Learning by doing' is the concept of which of the following?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 27

Learning by doing is the concept of laboratory method.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 28

The project method of teaching is best associated with the philosophy of

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 28

The project method of teaching is best associated with the philosophy of B.F. Skinner.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 29

Which one of the following statements is correct?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 29

1 is not the smallest prime number.-- 2 is the smallest prime number.
The Sum of two prime numbers is always a prime number. -- Take an example to understand it better. Two prime numbers are 5+7=12. 12 is not a prime number.
There is no even prime number. -- 2 is even prime number.
A composite number can be odd. -- Yes, a composite number can be odd. Composite numbers are numbers with more than two factors. The smallest odd composite number is 9. 

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 30

The main aim(s) of questioning in the classrooms is/are

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 10 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 30

The main aims of questioning in the classrooms are to create interest and curiosity, to motivate the students and to test the previous knowledge.

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