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CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - CG TET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test CG TET Mock Test Series 2024 - CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics)

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) for CG TET 2025 is part of CG TET Mock Test Series 2024 preparation. The CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) questions and answers have been prepared according to the CG TET exam syllabus.The CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) MCQs are made for CG TET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) below.
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CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 1

'Special needs education' is the type of education

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 1

A child or young person has Special Educational Needs (SEN) if he or she has learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for him or her to learn than most other children and young people of about the same age.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 2

Anupama, a science teacher, often makes linkages in her classrooms with the concepts students are studying in Mathematics. This kind of pedagogy -

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 2

The term pedagogy can be used to define the various ways that teaching and learning is carried out, in an educational sense. It is a term that refers to the method of how teachers teach, in theory, and in practice.

  • Pedagogy is formed by an educator’s teaching beliefs and concerns the interplay between culture and different ways to learn. In order to help students to build on prior learning, meaningful classroom relationships must exist.
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 3

"The curriculum must enable children to find their voices, nurture their curiosity—to do things, to ask questions and to pursue investigations, sharing and integrating their experiences with school knowledge—rather than their ability to reproduce textual knowledge." (National Curriculum Framework 2005, pg-13)
Against this backdrop, what should be the primary role of a teacher?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 3

The primary role of the teacher should be to give plenty of opportunities to children to share their own understanding and knowledge. This only can help to realise the aims and objectives of a curriculum.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 4

Karnail Singh does not pay income tax despite legal procedures and expenses. He thinks that he cannot support a corrupt government which spends millions of rupees in building unnecessary dams. He is probably in which state of Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 4

Kohlberg divided six stages into three separate levels.
The three levels of moral development include pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional.
Those at post-conventional level base their decisions on more abstract principles that may not be defined by their particular society's laws.
Thus, the subject in question is at this level.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 5

Determinants of individual differences in human beings relate to which of the following?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 5

Individual differences occur due to the interaction of heredity and environmental factors. We inherit certain characteristics from our parents through genetic codes. The environment is responsible as to how we are reared, the kind of atmosphere at the house, whether it is liberal or strict, the type of education that we get, what we learn from people, around us, books, cultural practices, peers, teachers, and media.Our inheritance alone cannot decide what we become but our environment also contributes.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 6

Which of the following is a constructive approach for dealing with the 'misconceptions' carried by students?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 6

The constructivist approach to learning is based on the idea that meaningful learning takes place when learners actively construct their own knowledge. It allows learners to foster their own strategies of learning to perform a task.

  • In order to follow a constructivist approach to deal with the misconceptions carried by students, a teacher should give opportunities for experimentation and observation to counter misconceptions.
  • It will help the student to search for the truth and they can test their misconceptions whether they are true or not.
  • They will build their knowledge on the basis of experiments and experiences, which will clear the ambiguity related to their misconceptions. 

Thus, it is concluded that Give opportunities for experimentation and observation to counter misconceptions is a constructive approach for dealing with the 'misconceptions' carried by students.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 7

The best way to motivate a child to learn is:

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 7

The best way to motivate a child to learn is to appeal to his/her sense of pride and self respect.
Learning is the acquisition of new behavior or the strengthening or weakening of old behavior as a result of experience. It represents progressive changes in behavior. It also involves the acquisition of knowledge, habits, and attitude.
Motivation refers to the process that guides an individual to achieve a goal. Motivation plays important role in the learning process. The teacher is an important person inside the classroom to motivate the child and provide rewards to induce interest in the learner. ​

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 8

Which of the following are strategies to increase the motivation level of the learners?
I. Build strength first
II. Propose alternatives
III. Facilitating creativity
IV. Providing a safe environment

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 8

Learner motivation is frequently classified as intrinsic, where students are motivated by course content, or extrinsic, where students are motivated by a course grade or credit.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 9

किसी उत्पाद का इस्तेमाल करके उपभोक्ता भी बाजार में भागीदार बन जाता है। यदि उपभोक्ता नही होंगे तो किसी भी कंपनी का अस्तित्व नही होगा। जहाँ तक उपभोक्ता के अधिकार का सवाल है तो उपभोक्ता की स्थिति दयनीय ही कही जायेगी। इसको समझने के लिए आप वैसे दुकानदार का उदाहरण ले सकते है जो कम वजन तौलता है या वह कम्पनी जो अपने पैक पर झूठे वादे करती है। ज्यादातर मिठाई बेचने वाले कच्चे माल में मिलावट करके लड्डू या बर्फी बनाते है। कुछ वर्षो पहले मिलावटी सरसों तेल से फैलने वाली ड्रॉप्सी नाम की बीमारी आपको याद होगी। यदि आपने कभी ट्रेन से सफर किया होगा तो आपको पता होगा कि ट्रेन में बिकने वाले खाने पीने की ज्यादातर चीजे घटिया होती है। यहाँ तक की पैंट्री में मिलने वाला खाना भी घटिया क्वालिटी का होता है। भारत में मिलावट, कालाबाजारी, जमाखोरी, कम वजन आदि की पुरानी परम्परा रही है। 1960 के दशक से भारत में उपभोक्ता आन्दोलन शुरू हुए थे। 1970 के दशक तक उपभोक्ता आन्दोलन केवल आर्टिकल लिखने और प्रदर्शनी लगाने तक ही सीमित था। लेकिन हाल के वर्षो में उपभोक्ता संगठनों की संख्या में तेजी से उछाल आया है।
विक्रेताओं और सेवा प्रदाताओं से लोगो में इतनी अधिक असंतुष्टि थी कि उपभोक्ताओं के पास अपनी आवाज उठाने के सिवा और कोई रास्ता नही बचा था। कई वर्षो के लम्बे संघर्ष के बाद सरकार को इसकी खैर लेने के लिए बाधित होना पड़ा और इसकी परिणति के रूप में 1986 में कंज्यूमर प्रोटेक्शन एक्ट (कोपरा) को लागू किया गया। एक उपभोक्ता को किसी उत्पाद के बारे में सही जानकारी पाने का अधिकार होता है। अब ऐसे कानून है जो किसी उत्पाद के पैक पर अवयवों और सुरक्षा के बारे में जानकारी देना अनिवार्य बनाते है। सही सूचना से उपभोक्ता को किसी भी उत्पाद को खरीदने के लिए उचित निर्णय लेने में मदद मिलती है। किसी भी उत्पाद के पैक पर खुदरा मूल्य लिखना भी अनिवार्य होता है। यदि कूई दुकानदार एमआरपी से अधिक चार्ज करता है तो उपभोक्ता उसकी शिकायत कर सकता है। एक उपभोक्ता को विभिन्न विकल्पों में से चुनने का अधिकार होता है। कोई भी विक्रेता केवल एक ही ब्रांड पेश नही कर सकता है। उसे अपने ग्राहक को कई विकल्प देने होगे। इस अधिकार को मोनोपोली ट्रेंड के खिलाफ बने कानूनों के जरिये लागू किया जाता है।

Q. किसी उत्पाद का इस्तेमाल करके बाजार में क्या बन जाता है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 9

उपर्युक्त गद्यांश के अनुसार उपभोक्ता किसी उत्पाद का इस्तेमाल करके बाजार में भागीदार बना जाता है।
गद्यांश से

  • "किसी उत्पाद का इस्तेमाल करके उपभोक्ता भी बाजार में भागीदार बन जाता है। यदि उपभोक्ता नहीं होंगे तो किसी भी कंपनी का अस्तित्व नहीं होगा।"
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 10

विषय से जुड़ी कई भाषा गतिविधियों के माध्यम से एक पाठ पढ़ाना, द्वितीय भाषा शिक्षण के किस सिद्धांत को संदर्भित करता है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 10

दृष्टिकोण की एकाधिक रेखा:

  • "मल्टीपल लाइन" शब्द का अर्थ है कि एक को कई अलग-अलग बिंदुओं से एक और एक ही छोर की ओर एक साथ आगे बढ़ना है। किसी भाषा को पढ़ाने में, इसका तात्पर्य सभी मोर्चों से समस्या पर हमला करना है।
  • इसका मतलब है कि शिक्षक द्वारा पढ़ाए जाने वाले पाठ को कई पक्षों से निपटाया जाना चाहिए। तो, यह दर्शाता है कि बहु-पंक्ति दृष्टिकोण में विभिन्न दिशाओं और साधनों से एक ही लक्ष्य तक पहुंचना शामिल है।
  • उदाहरण के लिए, पाठ्यपुस्तक में 'छुट्टियाँ' पर एक पाठ है। शिक्षक के पास विषय से जुड़ी कई भाषा गतिविधियाँ हो सकती हैं जैसे मौखिक अभ्यास, पढ़ना, वाक्य लेखन, रचना, व्याकरण, अनुवाद, भाषा अभ्यास आदि।

इसलिए, हम यह निष्कर्ष निकाल सकते हैं कि विषय से जुड़ी कई भाषा गतिविधियों के माध्यम से एक पाठ पढ़ाना, दृष्टिकोण की एकाधिक रेखा को संदर्भित करता है।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 11

निर्देश: गद्यांश को पढ़िए और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न का उत्तर दीजिए।
प्रेम आत्मा का भोजन है, प्रेम परमात्मा की ऊर्जा है जिससे प्रकृति का सारा सृजन होता है। आध्यात्म जगत में प्रेम से ज्यादा महत्त्वपूर्ण कोई शब्द नहीं है। यही वह रसायन है जो आत्मा को परमात्मा से जोड़ देता है। जब आप प्रेम में उतर जाते हो तो प्रेम का प्रत्युत्तर अपने आप आना शुरू हो जाता है। आप सद्गुरु की आँखों में प्रेम से झांकते हो तो सद्गुरु की प्रेम ऊर्जा आपको ऐसे लपेटने लगती है कि आप मंत्रमुग्ध होकर उसी के हो जाते हो। सद्गुरु को पकड़ो। पकड़ने का अर्थ है – सबसे पहले वहां साष्टांग हो जाओ, झुक जाओ यानि अहंकार के विसर्जन का, प्रेम का, प्रीती का अभ्यास सद्गुरु के चरणों से शुरू करो।  एक बात और है – प्रेम करना नहीं होता, प्रेम तो स्वयं हो जाता है। लेकिन इस प्रेम के होने में बुद्धि सबसे बड़ी बाधा बन जाती है। बुद्धि सोच विचार करती है। तर्क वितर्क करती है, वह खुले ह्रदय से अनुभव नहीं करने देती है।  बुद्धि बंधन है, उसी से मुक्त होना है और उपलब्ध रहना है उन प्रेम के क्षणों में। प्रेम की भूल-भुलैया का जरा अनुभव तो करो, लेकिन बुद्धि से नहीं, ह्रदय खोलकर प्रेम का दिया बनो। प्रेम का अर्थ होता है – दूसरों को इतना अपना बना लेना कि कुछ छिपाने को बचे ही नहीं। एक कसौटी दे रहा हूँ आपको, जब आपको लगने लगे कि उससे छिपाने को कुछ भी नहीं रहा तब समझना कि आपको सच्चे अर्थों में प्रेम हो गया है। सद्गुरु ही एकमात्र व्यक्तित्व है जो निःस्वार्थ प्रेम करता है।  उसे आपसे कुछ पाना नहीं है। उसे तो अपना सब कुछ आपके ऊपर लुटाना है। उसके प्रति प्रेम करने में कठिनाई का अनुभव नहीं होना चाहिए। वह तो खूँटी है। उसी खूँटी से अभ्यास करो। ऋषियों ने कहा है, प्रकृति से प्रेम करो।  फिर धीरे-धीरे मनुष्य पर आओ। मनुष्य से आकर आप सीधे परमात्मा तक पहुंचोगे। ऋषियों ने पहाड़ों को पूजा, नदियों को पूजा, वृक्षों को पूजा, चाँद-तारों को पूजा। किसलिए? उन्होंने सन्देश दिया कि सारी पृथ्वी से प्रेम करो। विराट अस्तित्व ही परमात्मा है। सबके प्रति प्रेम से इतना भर जाओ कि आपकी लय, आपका संगीत, आपका छंद उस परमात्मा से जुड़ जाये।  जो-जो शरीर में है वह सब ब्रह्मांड में है। सारे धर्म इसी बात का विज्ञान हैं और कुछ नहीं। प्रेम की एक ही साधना है, एक ही संकल्पना है जिसके साध लेने पर आध्यात्म की सारी साधनाएँ प्रकट हो जायेंगी।

Q. विराट का विलोम क्या है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 11

'विराट' का विलोम 'सूक्ष्म' है।
'विराट' का अर्थ: अत्यंत विशाल
विलोम/विपरीतार्थक शब्द: विपरीत (उल्टा) अर्थ बताने वाले शब्दों को विलोम शब्द कहते हैं। विलोम शब्दों को विपर्यायवाची, प्रतिलोमार्थक और विपरीतार्थक शब्द भी कहते हैं।उदाहरण:  ऊपर-नीचे, सीधा-उल्टा

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 12

अभिभावक शिक्षक बैठक से पहले, दौरान या बाद में एक शिक्षक के रूप में किन बातों का पालन करना चाहिए?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 12

शिक्षकों को ध्यान में रखते हुए कई बच्चे अपना समय और ध्यान देने की मांग करते हैं; एक अच्छा सम्मेलन एक व्यस्त शिक्षक को इस बात पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने में मदद कर सकता है कि आपके बच्चे को क्या चाहिए। रिपोर्ट की समीक्षा करें और पिछले सम्मेलनों से अपनी फाइलों की जांच करके देखें कि क्या वे आपको उन महत्वपूर्ण विषयों की याद दिलाते हैं जिन्हें आप याद कर सकते हैं। प्रत्येक बच्चे की खूबियों, कमजोरियों और उचित लक्ष्यों के बारे में अपने मन में स्पष्ट रहें।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 13

दिए गए गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए तथा पूछे गए प्रश्न के उत्तर के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प का चयन कीजिए।
राजभाषा का अर्थ राजा या राज्य की भाषा है। वह भाषा जिसमें शासक या शासन का काम होता है। राष्ट्रभाषा वह है जिसका व्यवहार राष्ट्र के सामान्य जन करते है। राजभाषा का क्षेत्र सीमित होता है। राष्ट्र भाषा सारे देश की संपर्क भाषा है। राष्ट्रभाषा के साथ जनता का भावात्मक लगाव रहता है क्योंकि उसके साथ जनसाधारण की सांस्कृतिक परम्पराएँ जुड़ी रहती हैं। राजभाषा के प्रति वैसा सम्मान हो तो सकता है, लेकिन नहीं भी हो सकता है, क्योंकि वह अपने देश की भी हो सकती है। किसी गैर देश से आये शासक की भी हो सकती है। लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था में आज हिन्दी राजभाषा के रूप में ही विराजित है। 14 सितंबर, 1949 ई. को भारत के संविधान में हिन्दी को मान्यता प्रदान की गई है। संविधान की अनुच्छेद 120 के अनुसार संसद का कार्य हिन्दी में या अंग्रेजी में किया जाता है। अनुच्छेद 210 के अंतर्गत राज्यों के विधानमंडलों का कार्य अपने-अपने राज्य की राजभाषा या हिन्दी में या अंग्रेजी में किया जा सकता है। 343 के अनुसार संघ की राजभाषा हिन्दी और लिपि देवनागरी होगी। इस भाषा का प्रसार तथा प्रचार के लिए महात्मा गाँधी का योगदान रहा है। अनुच्छेद 344 में राष्ट्रपति को शासकीय कार्य में हिन्दी भाषा का प्रयोग अधिक करने के लिए कहा गया है।

Q. वह भाषा जिसमें शासक या शासन का काम होता है, कहलाती है :

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 13
  • राजभाषा का अर्थ राजा या राज्य की भाषा है।
  • वह भाषा जिसमें शासक या शासन का काम होता है। 

सामान्यतः भाषा को वैचारिक आदान-प्रदान का माध्यम कहा जा सकता है।

  • भाषा आभ्यंतर अभिव्यक्ति का सर्वाधिक विश्वसनीय माध्यम है।
  • यही नहीं वह हमारे आभ्यंतर के निर्माण, विकास, हमारी अस्मिता, सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक पहचान का भी साधन है।
  • भाषा के बिना मनुष्य सर्वथा अपूर्ण है और अपने इतिहास तथा परम्परा से विच्छिन्न है। 
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 14

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the question that follows.
Africa was once filled with an abundance of wild animals. But, that is changing fast. One of these animals, the black rhinoceros, lives on the plains of Africa. It has very poor eyesight and a very bad temper! Even though the black rhino is powerful, and can be dangerous, its strength cannot always help it to escape hunters. Some people think that the rhino’s horn has magical powers and many hunters kill rhinos for their valuable horns. This has caused the black rhino to be placed on the endangered species list. The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa. It once had no natural enemies, but is now endangered—killed for its ivory tusks. Wherever people are careless about the land, there are endangered species. Grizzly bears like to wander great distances. Each bear needs up to 1,500 square miles of territory to call its homeland. Today, because forests have been cleared to make room for people, the grizzly’s habitat is shrinking and the grizzly is disappearing. It joins other endangered North American animals, such as the red wolf and the American crocodile.
In South America, destruction of the rain forest threatens many animals. Unusual mammals, such as the howler monkey and the three-toed sloth, are endangered. Beautiful birds like the great green macaw and the golden parakeet are also becoming extinct. They are losing their homes in the rain forest and thousands die when they are caught and shipped off to be sold as exotic pets. The giant panda of Asia is a fascinating and unique animal. Yet, there are only about 1,000 still living in the wild. The giant panda’s diet consists mainly of the bamboo plant, so when the bamboo forests die, so does the panda. China is now making an effort to protect these special creatures from becoming extinct. Unfortunately, it is people who cause many of the problems that animals face. We alter and pollute their habitats. We hunt them for skins, tusks, furs and horns. We destroy animals that get in the way of farming or building. And we remove them from their natural habitats and take them home as pets.

Q. The first paragraph has words like 'abundance', 'magical', 'dangerous' and 'valuable'. So, a teacher could aim to teach

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 14

The teacher could teach conversion of nouns into adjectives as the words are changed to adjectives by adding affixes. The teacher could remove those affixes and teach the children about it.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 15

Directions: Read the given passage and answer the question that follows by selecting the most appropriate option.
The scene presented by a community of bees is the more astonishing, the more we become acquainted with its details. Each hive is a commonwealth, of which the queen is nominally the head, receiving the greatest honour and care from her industrious subjects. With a greater wisdom than can be claimed by men, these creatures allow no disputes about the succession to the throne to induce them to injure each other; but they require the parties themselves individually to settle the quarrel between each other, without prolonged interference with the duties of the hive. Indeed, they may be said with truth to have adopted the advice: Let those who make the quarrels, be the only ones to fight. Only one queen is permitted to hold office in the community at a time; but while her claims are undisputed, she is treated with singular respect and affection. Indeed, her presence, and the prospect of a future generation, appear the chief motives of the insects to exert themselves.

Q. 'The prospect of a future generation' suggests that the writer is ______ in his/her outlook.

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 15

'The prospect of a future generation' suggests that the writer is nationalistic in his/her outlook.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 16

Direction: Read the following passage and answer the question. (choose the most appropriate answers)
When another old cave is discovered in the South France, it is not usually news. Rather, it is an ordinary event. Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them. However, when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940, the world was amazed. Painted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years ago. The scenes show people hunting animals , such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals. Early artists drawing these animals accomplished a monumental difficult task. They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or crawling into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex. Unfortunately, the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes, which easily wear the images away. Because the Lascaux caves have many entrances, air movement has also damaged the images inside, Although they are not out in the open air, where natural light would have destroyed them long ago, many of the images have deteriorated and are barely recognizable. To prevent further damage, the site was closed to tourists in 1963, 23 years after it was discovered.

Q. According to the Passage, which animals appear most often on the cave walls ?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 16

Let's refer to the passage which states 'The scenes show people hunting animals , such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals.'

  • In the above part of the passage, it's mentioned that the more that 300 images of horses appear outnumbering all other animals.
  • Outnumber means 'to be greater in number than someone or something'.

From the above explanation, it's clear that 'Horses' appear most often on the cave walls.
Therefore, the correct answer is option 3).

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 17

Teachers help learners ‘construct’ their knowledge in English by

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 17

Language teaching refers to a process whereby a child gains communicative comprehension or fluency over a language. It involves practice by learners where facilitation is provided by a teacher.

  • Teachers are the implementers of education who foster the potential of young seedlings to grow and bloom. They carry a huge responsibility to shape and mold students' future.
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 18

Students who do not have the opportunities to use the target language outside the classroom demonstrate much lower levels of language competency. This can be overcome by:

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 18

India is a multi-lingual country and the students even before they start their schooling, internalize an extremely complex and rule-governed system called language, and possess full linguistic capabilities in one or more languages.
The teaching of language must be done by keeping students in the centre and a teacher should consider the individual differences of students while teaching in the classroom.
The main aim of teaching a language in education is to make a child proficient in that specific language.
The child-centred language classroom means that all the teaching-learning strategies and techniques in the classroom to teach the language are directed towards the needs, desires, goals, and interests of the children. All the students are taking an interest and actively participating in the learning process.
So, students who do not have the opportunities to use the target language outside the classroom demonstrate much lower levels of language competency. This can be overcome by ​engaging them in specific language-focused tasks which are indirectly monitored by their group leaders.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 19

Which of the following words tell(s) us about the earlier action in the sentence?
Hirachand (A) told me what (B) had (C) happened.

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 19

'Had happened' refers to past perfect. It tells us about the earlier action in the sentence.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 20

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Initiatives such as “4 per mille” and Terraton aim to sequester huge amounts of carbon in the soil. The 2018 U.S. Farm Bill includes the first-ever incentives for farmers to adopt practices aimed at improving soil health and sequestering carbon. But these initiatives are missing a key point: not all soil carbon is the same.
The very different lifetimes of particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter have important implications for these efforts. For example, adding low-quality crop residues to agricultural fields would likely create more particulate organic matter than mineral-associated organic matter. This could increase soil carbon in the short term - but if that field later is disturbed by tilling, a lot of it would decompose and the benefit would be quickly reversed. The best practices focus on building up the mineral-associated organic matter for longer-term carbon storage, while also producing high-quality particulate organic matter with lots of nitrogen to help boost crop productivity.
Natural healthy soils show us that providing continuous and diverse plant inputs that reach all the way to deep soil is key for achieving both high mineral-associated organic matter storage and particulate organic matter recycling. There are many promising ways to do this, such as maintaining plant cover on fields year-round; growing diverse crops that include high-nitrogen legumes and perennials with deep roots; and minimizing tillage.
However, not all soils can accumulate both mineral-associated organic matter and particulate organic matter. Before implementing any management practices for carbon sequestration, participants should first assess the carbon storage potential of the local soil, much as a doctor studies a patient before prescribing a cure. Sequestering soil carbon effectively requires an understanding of how particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter work, how human actions affect them, and how to build up both types to meet our planet’s climate and food security needs.

Q. What will happen if we add low-quality crop residues to the agricultural field?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 20

Let's refer to the following lines of the passage:
For example, adding low-quality crop residues to agricultural fields would likely create more particulate organic matter than mineral-associated organic matter. 

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 21

Which of the numbers – 20, –3/4 , 1/2, 10 is greater than its square?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 21

The square of a negative number is positive.
A negative number is always lesser than a positive number.
Thus, -3/4 and -20 will be lesser than their squares.
The square of a positive number greater than 1 will be greater than the number.
Thus, (10)2 = 100 > 10
Now, a square of a positive number lesser than 1 will be lesser than the number.
Thus, 1/2 > (1/2)2 = 1/4
Hence, option (1) is correct.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 22

Which of the following reactions is/are possible?

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2 Mg + O2 → 2MgO
ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2
2KNO3 → 2KNO2 + O2
All these reactions are possible.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 23

In the given figure AB || DE. Find the value of x.

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In the above figure if L1 ∥ L2, then b = 360° - (a + c) 

In this question,
7x = 360° - (5x + 180° - 3x)
⇒ 7x = 360° - 180° - 2x
⇒ 9x = 180° 
⇒ x = 20° 
∴ The value of x is 20°.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 24

 are four numbers. When written in ascending order, these will be:

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On calculating the values, we get

So, in ascending order, they will be:

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 25

One of the major reasons for student's failure in Mathematics at school level is that our assessment process

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 25

One of the major reasons for student's failure in Mathematics at school level is that our assessment process emphasises on testing of procedural knowledge than mathematisation of abilities.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 26

By how much is 3/4 of 52 lesser than 2/3 of 99?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 26

According to the question, 
2/3 of 99 - ​3/4 of 52
⇒​ 66 - 39
⇒ 27
∴ The correct answer is 27. 

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 27

Students are asked to find the various characteristics of a rectangle by using a geometry box. The teaching method adopted is the

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 27

Students are asked to find the various characteristics of a rectangle by using a geometry box. The teaching method adopted is the play-way method. Play-way is a means of the subjective and emotional development of the child, that is, development in terms of intellect, skills and feelings. Play-way method is structured on activity-based learning.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 28

A child is solving an algebraic equation "2x + 3y = 48" to find out the values of "x' and "y'. Here, the child is using which of the following mathematical skills?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 28

Mathematics is an active subject where the child needs to think on their feet actively. Visualization, Transposition, Generalisation, and Estimation are the skills that are promoted by mathematics at the upper primary stage.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 29

According to NCF 2005, school Mathematics takes place in a situation where

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Mathematics is part of children's life experience as Mathematics helps children make sense of their world outside of school and helps them construct a solid foundation for success in school.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 5 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 30

'A project is a voluntary undertaking which involves constructive effort or thought and eventuates into subjective results.' This definition was given by

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According to Thomas and Lang, "A project is a voluntary undertaking which involves constructive effort or thought and eventuates into subjective results."

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