The positions of how many digits in the number 2451479638 will remain same when the first half and the second half of the digits are arranged in ascending order separately?
In a row where all are facing north, Priya is 15th from the left end and Garima is 19th from the right end. They interchange their positions, and Ram who sits 24th from the left end sits at the 5th place to the left of Priya's new position. How many persons were there in the row?
During a prize distribution ceremony, Vikram was ninth from the left while Janhvi was eighth from the right in the front row. If Hariom was thirteenth from the left and was exactly in the middle of Vikram and Janhvi in the same row then what was the total number of people in the front row?
In a north facing row of NCC Cadets, Trisha is 9th from the left end and Tina is 12th from the right end. There are 5 cadets between Trisha and Tanya which is equal to the number of cadets between Tanya and Tina. Find how many cadets are there in the row?
In a queue of students facing north, Ayesha and Anisha are standing at 10th and 8th position from the left and right end respectively. If another student Ariva who is 12th from the left end is exactly in between Ayesha and Anisha then find the position of Ayesha from right end ?
Riya correctly remembers that she has paid an amount less than Rs.15 but more than Rs. 8 for a ticket from Agra cantt to Sanjay place. Sudha also remembers that she has paid an amount less than Rs.13 but more than Rs.10 for the same distance. The amount paid is not an even number. Find the price of the ticket?
Simla is colder than only Ooty. Mussoorie is colder than Mount Abu but not as cold as Nainital. Darjeeling is colder than Simla but not the coldest. Which among the following is the second coldest?
If the digits in the number '578462139' are arranged in ascending order, then how many digits remain in the same place?
In a school, final selection list of the class 12th students who opted for extracurricular activities was posted in the corridor. In the list Vikas was ranked 18th from the top and 36th from the bottom among those who got selected. 12 students did not opt for any extracurricular activity and 7 were disqualified from it. How many students were there in the class?
In a row of 68 people, Sonal is 22nd from the left and Rinku is 17th from the right. Counting from the left end, what will be the position of Pinku who is sitting exactly in the middle of Sonal and Rinku?
Six books – English, Hindi, Science, Computer, Maths, and Sanskrit each contains different number of pages. Computer book contains fewer pages than only two books. English book contains more pages than Science book but less than Sanskrit book. Science book does not contain least pages. Sanskrit book contains fewer pages than Hindi book. The book which contain third lowest pages contain 28 pages. (Set 1 Q. 1)
How many book(s) contain more pages than Science book?
Six books – English, Hindi, Science, Computer, Maths, and Sanskrit each contains different number of pages. Computer book contains fewer pages than only two books. English book contains more pages than Science book but less than Sanskrit book. Science book does not contain least pages. Sanskrit book contains fewer pages than Hindi book. The book which contain third lowest pages contain 28 pages. (Set 1 Q. 2)
If Sanskrit and Computer books contain 89 pages together and Computer and English book contains 63 pages together then what is the number of pages that Sanskrit book contains?
Six books – English, Hindi, Science, Computer, Maths, and Sanskrit each contains different number of pages. Computer book contains fewer pages than only two books. English book contains more pages than Science book but less than Sanskrit book. Science book does not contain least pages. Sanskrit book contains fewer pages than Hindi book. The book which contain third lowest pages contain 28 pages. (Set 1 Q. 3)
How many books have more pages than English book but less pages than Hindi book?
A certain number of persons were sitting in a row facing north such that number of persons on the right of Roop was same as the number of persons on the left of Gaur. Gaur sits on the left of Roop. Deep sits exactly in the middle of Roop and Gaur, and number of persons between Deep and Roop were twice the number of persons on the right of Roop, who was 58th from the left end. (Set 2 Q. 1)
How many person(s) were there in the row?
A certain number of persons were sitting in a row facing north such that number of persons on the right of Roop was same as the number of persons on the left of Gaur. Gaur sits on the left of Roop. Deep sits exactly in the middle of Roop and Gaur, and number of persons between Deep and Roop were twice the number of persons on the right of Roop, who was 58th from the left end. (Set 2 Q. 2)
What is the position of Deep from the right end of the row?
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