Saran is eighteenth from the right end in a row of 50 boys.What is his position from the left end?
In a class of 90 ,where girls are twice that of boys ,Shridar ranked fourteenth from the top ,if there are 10 girls ahead of Shridar ,how many boys are after him in rank?
Sita ranks nineteeth in a class of 68 students . What is her rank from last ?
Raji is 5 ranks ahead of Raj in a class of 46 students.If Raj’s rank is twelth from the last, what is Raji’s rank from the start?
Karthick is 6 ranks ahead of Subash who ranks sixteenth in a class of 42.What is Karthick’s rank from the last?
A ranks fourth in a class. B ranks ninth from the last,If C is ninth after A and just in the middle of A and B,How many students are there in the class?
Akil ranked seventeenth from the top and thirty seventh from the bottom in a class.How many students are there in the class?
Shakthi ranks eleventh in a class of 54 students . What is his rank from last ?
Naresh is twenty two from the left end in a row of 47 boys.What is his position from the right end?
Reshma and Praveena are ranked ninth and thirteenth from the top in a class of 57 students .What will be theie respective ranks from the bottom of the class?
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Which letter is fifth to the right of the eighteenth letter from your right?
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
If the above alphabet is arranged in the reverse order, Which letter will be twelth to the left of the sixteenth from your left ?
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
If all the vowels are removed from the alphabet , which letter will be the seventh to the right of the fifth letter from the left ?
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
If A and B written as B and A, C and D is written as D and C and so on.What will be the position of M from your right ?
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
If every alternate letter starting with A, is removed from the alphabet ,Which letter among the remaining letters would be the third to the right of the fifth letter from the right ?
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. F J M P O W R N B E Y C K A V L D G X U H Q I S Z T
FMJ : TSZ in the same way as JMP : ?
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. F J M P O W R N B E Y C K A V L D G X U H Q I S Z T
Which letter is tenth to the right of the letter which is exactly the middle letter between F and D
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. F J M P O W R N B E Y C K A V L D G X U H Q I S Z T
Four of the following belong to the certain group.Which does not belong to that group
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. F J M P O W R N B E Y C K A V L D G X U H Q I S Z T
Which of the following pairs of letter has as many letters between them in the above arrangement as there are between them in the English alphabet ?
Answer the given questions based on the following English alphabet. F J M P O W R N B E Y C K A V L D G X U H Q I S Z T
If each letter is attached to the value equal to its serial number starting from your left ,What will be the sum of vowels in the arrangement ?
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11 videos|20 docs|171 tests