By the middle of the 18th century, which one of the following cities was not a fortified English settlement?
Many English merchants continued to trade in Asia in spite of the monopoly of the East India Company in the 17th century. What were they called?
(I) Free Merchants
(II) Pirates
(III) Interlopers
In 1632, English obtained the long coveted permission, the Golden Farman for erecting fortified factory on the Coromondal coast from
From whom did the English obtain the lease of Madras in 1639 A.D.?
The old company, that is, the East India Company, joined forces with the New Company in 1702 and decided to form a united company.They new company entitled ‘The Limited Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies’ came into being in
What did a factory of the East India Company in India lack?
The English East India Company’s servants were divided into three ranks which were
The factory with its trade was administered by
Which one of the following factories of the English was the first one to be fortified?
By the mid 18th century, European powers did not have much scope for penetration in western and eastern India because these regions were being strictly controlled by
For nearly 20 years from 1744 to 1763, which two powers were to wage a bitter war for control over the trade, wealth and territory of India?
Which of the following remarked “a dominion founded on a navy alone cannot last”?
Name the Governor of Madras whose term of office is regarded, “the golden age of Madras in respect of the development of trade and increase of wealth.”
From which one of the following Deccan Sultanates did Albuquerque capture Goa?
Who evolved the strategy of intervening in the mutual quarrels of Indian princes and, by supporting one against the other, securing monetary, commercial, or territorial favours from the victor?
In 1696-97, a fort called Fort William was built at Calcutta by
The French East India Company was founded in 1664. It made rapid progress and was firmly established at
The English company was wealthier than the French company because it
Which is not true about the French East India Company?
The battle of St. Thome was fought between
Who granted to the French the area in Andhra known as Northern Sarkars (Ellore, Mustafanagar, Rajamundhry and Chicacole)?
The greatest French governor in India was
The British and the French fought three Carnatic wars in India which almost coincided with developments both in India and Europe. Keeping this in mind, match the following:
Which reason was not responsible for the success of the English against the French?
The French power was nearly wiped off from India after losing against the British in the battle of Wandiwash which was fought in
Duplex’s major opponent on the English side who outwitted him was
The capital and centre of French activities in India was
In the mid 18th century, European trading com-panies in India became fully aware of the political opportunities which lay open to further their own economic interests. How did this happened?
The main problem which European trade with India had to overcome lay in