Assertion : Most fish when out of water, die of suffocation.
Reason : Atmospheric air contains far less oxygen content than the dissolved oxygen in water.
Assertion : Gill-lamellae in aquatic animals help in exchange of gases.
Reason : Each gill lamella carries many blood capillaries.
Assertion : In mammals, complex respiratory system has developed.
Reason : Mammalian skin is impermeable to gases.
Assertion : Insects develop a complex system of air tubes called trachea for respiratory purpose.
Reason : Exchange through body surface is not possible in insects.
Assertion : Coughing and sneezing are necessary.
Reason : Coughing and sneezing are reflex actions
Assertion : Aerobic animals are not truely aerobic.
Reason : They produce lactic acid anaerobically.
Assertion : If there is no air in trachea, it will not collapse.
Reason : Trachea is having the cartilagenous ring.
Assertion : Inspiration occurs due to muscular relaxation.
Reason : During inspiration, the diaphragm and external intercostal muscle contract simultaneously.
Assertion : Aerobic respiration involves the exchange of respiratory gases twice.
Reason : Exchange occurs from lung to heart and then heart to lung.
Assertion: Alveoli are the primary sites for exchange of gases.
Reason: All factors in our body are favourable for diffusion of O2 from alveoli to tissues and that of CO2 from tissues to alveoli.
Assertion: Tracheae, primary, secondary and tertiary bronchi are supported by incomplete
cartilaginous rings.
Reason: These rings of cartilage make the wall non-collapsible.
Assertion: Respiratory rhythm centre is moderated by pneumotaxic centre, located in the
medulla region of the brain.
Reason: Pneumotaxic centre controls the switch 'ON' point of inspiration.
Assertion: Excessive inflation of the lungs is prevented by Hering-Breuer reflex.
Reason: On overstretching of the lungs, the stretch receptors send impulses along the vagus nerve to stimulate the expiratory centre
Assertion: The lungs are situated in thoracic chamber which is anatomically an air-tight chamber.
Reason: Such an arrangement is essential to avoid any change in pulmonary volume.
Assertion: Vocal cords consist of three pairs of mucous membrane that extend into the lumen of
the larynx.
Reason: Only two pairs of cords are responsible for production of sound.
Assertion : During inspiration, pressure of air falls in the thorax.
Reason : There is a rise in volume of thorax during inspiration.
Assertion : Vital capacity is higher in athletes than non-athletes.
Reason : Vital capacity is about 3.5-4.5 litres in a normal adult person.
Assertion : Forceful expiration occurs through expiratory muscles.
Reason : Expiratory muscles expire quickly.
Assertion : Histamine is involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions.
Reason : Histamine is a vasodilator.
Assertion : Blood of insects is colourless.
Reason : The blood of insect does not play any role in transport of oxygen.
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