What is the meaning of the following catch block?
Which of the following statements is used to rethrow an exception?
What is the sequence of the following steps in exception handling?
A. Receive the error
B. Find the problem
C. Corrective actions
D. Inform about the errors
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
A. The function unexpected() calls terminate().
B. The function unexpected() is called, when a function throws an exception that is not allowed by the types listed.
Which of the following is not an example of exception?
The exception that is uncaught invokes the function _______.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
A. Multiple catch clauses with one try block.
B. Catch block only catches the exception.
In the real world programs, the exceptions are of ______ type rather than built-in type.
____ is raised when there is an error in the syntax of the Python code.
____ is raised when the file specified in a program statement cannot be opened.
_____ is raised when the requested module definition is not found.
___ is raised when the denominator in a division operation is zero.
___ is raised when a local or global variable name is not defined.
_____ is raised when a built-in method or operation receives an argument that has the right data type but mismatched or inappropriate values.
___ is raised when the user accidentally hits the Delete or Esc key while executing a program due to which the normal flow of the program is interrupted.
___ is raised when the end of file condition is reached without reading any data by input().
_____ is raised when the index or subscript in a sequence is out of range.