Which of the following groups suffers the most from inflation?
When there is inflation i.e. increase in general price level, due to increase in cost of production, such inflation is called.
Which of the following measures can be used for curbing inflation?
A situation under which a low rate of growth combines with the rise in general price level is known as :
Which is the most effective quantitative method to control inflation in the economy?
The combined phenomenon of stagnation and inflation is _______.
When prices are falling continuously, the phenomenon is called:
When prices rise because of growing factor prices then that inflation is called as
Which measures are followed by the government for handling inflation?
Which one of the following is not a component of demand pull inflation?
A situation where prices persistently rise because of growing factor costs is known as:
When price increases due to increase in factor prices it is ________
When too much money chases too few goods, the resulting inflation is called :
Inflation resulting from increased money expenditure is called:
The maximum inflation at ________ was recorded for the year 1966-67:
To reduce the value of domestic currency in terms of foreign currency is known as:
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