Who wrote Maulavi Ahmadullah that “if a patriot is a man who plots of fights for the independence, wrongfully destroyed. of his native country, then most cer-tainly the Maulavi was a true patriot?”
The English General who defeated Tantia Tope and Rani of Jhansi in Central India, was
An achievement of the Revolt of 1857 was Hindu Muslim unity. Who bitterly complained that “In this instance we could not play off the Mohammedans against the Hindu?”
Who was the Governor-General of India during the Revolt of 1857?
Why didn’t the modern educated Indians support the Revolt of 1857?
Why is the Revolt of 1857 considered a glorious land mark in Indian History?
Who remarked (about the Revolt of 1857) that “It was not a military revolt but a rebellion or revolution which alone can account for the little progress hitherto made in extinguishing it”?
Which is the most suitable explanation about the nature of the Revolt of 1857?
Which of the following saw the incidence of 1857 as an extension of the social progress the English had already initiated?
Which of the following does not regard the Revolt of 1857 as the ‘First Indian War of Independence’?
Who regards the uprising of 1857 as “the source spring of the national movement?
Who remarked “the rebellion of 1857 was more than a mere sepoy mutiny and was an eruption of the social volcano wherein many pent-up forces found vent”?
Which was the most important far-reaching effect of the India Act of 1858?
What is true about the Indian army after the Revolt of 1857?
The rebellion which started in 1816 and continued till 1832 is known as the
Which tribal rebellion’s causes were primarily economic since i t wa s di rect ed a gainst t he money-lenders and their protectors, the British authorities?
Which of the following arose in thousands and proclaimed a government of their own in the area between Bhagalpur and Rajmahal in 1855-56?
In 1831, which of the following rebelled against the British in the Chotanagpur region, for imposing on them outsiders as moneylenders and landlords?
In which state did the Naikda forest tribe attack police stations in 1868 in a bid to establish a dharma-raj?
Which of the following attacked the whites under Sambhudan who claimed that his magic would not let bullets harm his followers in 1882?
Which movement preached monotheism and internal social reform at first but started campaigning against revenue settlement operations just before it was suppressed?
Tribal areas began to be penetrated with the commercialization of British rule. Which of the following did not appear in tribal areas?
The British legal conceptions of absolute private property damaged the Khuntkatti tenure in Chotanagpur. What was this tenure?
Shifting cultivation is an integral part of tribal life.When was it banned on restricted in the ‘reserved’ forests?
How did the British monopolize forest wealth in tribal areas?
Which rebellion took place in 1879-80 in Chodavaram whose tribal Koya and Konda Kora hill chiefs (Muttadars) had risen against their overlord?