While applying Pumping lemma over a language, we consider a string w that belong to L and fragment it into _________ parts.
Let w= xyz and y refers to the middle portion and |y|>0.What do we call the process of repeating y 0 or more times before checking that they still belong to the language L or not?
Fill in the blank in terms of p, where p is the maximum string length in L. Statement: Finite languages trivially satisfy the pumping lemma by having n = ______
If d is a final state, which of the following is correct according to the given diagram?
Which of the following one can relate to the given statement:
Statement: If n items are put into m containers, with n>m, then atleast one container must contain more than one item.
Relate the following statement:
Statement: All sufficiently long words in a regular language can have a middle section of words repeated a number of times to produce a new word which also lies within the same language.
If we select a string w such that w∈L, and w=xyz. Which of the following portions cannot be an empty string?
There exists a language L. We define a string w such that w∈L and w=xyz and |w| >=n for some constant integer n. What can be the maximum length of the substring xy i.e. |xy|<=?
Answer in accordance to the third and last statement in pumping lemma:For all _______ xyiz ∈L
Let w be a string and fragmented by three variable x, y, and z as per pumping lemma. What does these variables represent?
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55 docs|215 tests