When colloids are subjected to an electrical field particles move towards an electrode and precipitate. Name the process.
Which property is represented by the following figure;
Which law is represented by the following expression?
For a positive colloid the order of precipitation is : Phosphate ion>sulphate ion >chloride ion.
Which substance is added to water containing suspended impurities to coagulate the suspended impurities and make water fit for drinking purposes.
The simplest way to check whether a system is a colloid is by using:
Which method cannot be used for the coagulation of the lyophobic sol?
Lyophilic colloids that shows the property of protecting lyophobic colloids are also called as:
Which of the following forms a colloidal solution in water?
The factors which are responsible for the stability of lyophilic sols are:
Which property of colloids is applied in rubber plating & sewage disposal?
In Tyndall effect the colloidally suspended particles:
Ferric hydroxide is a negative sol, which of the following electrolyte will coagulate it most:
What is aggregation of colloidal particles into insoluble precipitate by addition of some suitable electrolyte called?
A fresh precipitate can be transformed into colloidal sol by:
Which statement describes coagulation value?
Which electrolyte will precipitate a negatively charged colloids (As2S3 sol) to a greater extend?
The process in which colloid is placed inside a bag of semi permeable membrane like cellophane or parchment paper which permits ions and not colloids to pass through, is called as:
Which of the following will have the highest coagulating power for As2S3 colloids?
What is scattering of light by mist on head light of vehicles called?
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