This is the true story of Jagriti School in Murshidabad (West Bengal). When its building was being made, there was a plan to make brick patterns on the floor and walls. Jamaal, Kaalu and
Piyaar were the masons for the brick work. They wanted to get new ideas for the school building. So they took their other friends to see the old tomb of Murshid Kuli Khan.
This building has a big floor with about two thousand beautiful brick patterns. These were made by masons long back – about three hundred years ago. The masons came back excited. Jamaal said — Ah! In those days
they had made so many interesting brick patterns. We had forgotten these! Let us make some nice designs on the floor of this school. Each mason made a different brick pattern. The school is proud to have such a beautiful building! Children play and sing on it and also make new patterns themselves.
From where did Jamaal, Kaalu and Piyaar get the new idea for school building?
Old tomb of Murshid Kuli Khan is how many years old?
Which of the following patterns are floor patterns?
In which of the following patterns, mirror halve can be seen?
Which of the following shows three faces of a brick?
Which design of the wall is expected to be the weakest?
Below pattern of wall design is matching with which brick wall.
How many different patterns can you see in these two photos?
Which shape can be made by placing a brick in the garden?
What type of design you can see in the below picture.
Burnt bricks can be further classified into how many types?
In the picture below,how many faces of the longest brick can be seen from the top?
If a brick length is 10 centimeters, then how many bricks need to put in a straight line to make a wall of one-meter length.
Arrange the following images related to brick making in correct order.
Which is the correct numeral representation of one hundred thousand?
Bhajan went to buy bricks. The price was given for one thousand bricks. The prices were also different for different types of bricks. Bhajan decided to buy the new bricks from Brickabad. He bought three thousand bricks. How much did he pay?
Bhajan went to buy bricks. The price was given for one thousand bricks. The prices were also different for different types of bricks. Bhajan decided to buy the old bricks. He bought five hundred bricks. How much did he pay?
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