The value of specific yield depends upon the shape of the pores.
The relation between porosity n, specific retention SR, specific yield Sγ is __________
In the storage coefficient, the unit change in the component of the head is measured in _________ to the surface.
The coefficient of transmissibility is defined as the rate of flow of water through a horizontal strip of unit width and full saturation height under unit hydraulic gradient.
If b is the aquifer thickness, the relationship between coefficient of transmissibility T and coefficient of permeability is ________
The drawdown, corresponding to a steady discharge, are observed at a number of wells in _______
Which of the following test is commonly adopted for determining soil permeability of soil formations?
The value of specific yield SY, of an aquifer depends on ___________
The parabolic depression in the aquifer is called as __________
In most of the confined aquifers,the value of storage coefficient ranges between __________
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