Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes at the second place?
A few states in this country are considering legislation that would prohibit schools from using calculators before the sixth grade. Other states take a different position. Some states are insisting on the purchase of graphing calculators for every student in middle school. This paragraph best supports the statement that in this country
Here are some words translated from an artificial language slar means jump slary means jump ingslarend means jumped Which word could mean “playing”?
Assertion (A) : An iron ball floats on mercury but gets immersed in water.
Reason (R) : The specific gravity of iron is more than that of mercury.
A $ B means A is the father of B; A # B means A is the sister of B; A * B means A is the daughter of B and A @ B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following indicates that M is the wife of Q?
Statements: Police authority has recently increased vigil during the evening hours in the locality.
There has been considerable reduction in the incidents of petty crimes in the locality.
In this question, five words have been given, out of which four are alike in some manner and the fifth one is different. Choose out the odd one?
In a certain code language, if the word SEARCH is coded as IDSBFT, then how is the word FURNISH coded in that language ?
Which of the following best completes the passage below? In opposing government regulation of business, conservatives often appeal to the Jeffersonian ideal of limited government, expressing the wish that government would ìget off the backs of the American people.î Yet, paradoxically, many of these same conservatives address questions of private morality, such as those dealing with sexual behavior, by calling for______
How many visitors saw the exhibition yesterday?
I. Each entry pass holder can take up to three persons with him/her.
II. In all, 243 passes were sold yesterday.
Anubhav Gokhale, is a B.Sc. with Computer Science passed in second class with 58% marks. He had passed HSC in first class with 76% marks. He has completed 25 years of age in December 2007.
Radha move towards South-east a distance of 7 km, then she moves towards West and travels a distance of 14 m. From here, she moves towards North-west a distance of 7 m and finally she moves a distance of 4 m towards East and stood at the point. How far is the starting point from where she stood?
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