If a change in base current does not change the collector current, the transistor amplifier is said to be
In a BJT, if the collector junction is reverse biased and the emitter junction is reverse - biased, it is said to operate in
On applying a positive voltage signal to the' base of a normally biased n-p-n CE transistor amplifier
Assertion (A): The process of giving proper supply voltages and resistances for obtaining the desired Q-point is called biasing.
Reason (R): In order to produce distortion free output in amplifier circuits, the supply voltages and resistances in the circuit must be suitably chosen.
Match List-I (Transistor parameters) with List-ll (Temperature effect) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
A. Base-emitter voltage (VBE)
B. Transistor current gain (β)
C. Reverse saturation current (Ico)
1. Independent of temperature
2. Decreases by 2.5 mV per oC
3. Increases with temperature
4. Increase by 7% per oC
For the transistor circuit shown below, the Q-point values are given as ICQ = 1 mA and VCEQ = 6V
If VBE (on) = 0.7 V, the values of the RB and Rc will be respectively
For the transistor circuit shown below,β = 100 and VBE(on) = 0.7 V.
The transistor is working under
In a collector-to-base CE amplifier circuit having Vcc = 12 V, Rc = 250 Ω , IB = 0.25 mA, β = 100 and VCEQ = 8 V, the stability factor will be approximately given by (neglect VBE)
A self-bias circuit (with an emitter resiistor) stabilizes the__________ of the circuit against variations in temperature and process parameters.
In typical circuits, the stabilization factor S = (ΔICICO) is
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25 docs|247 tests