Which of the following figures represent correctly the structure of transition state in this reaction?
From each of the following pairs select the compound that will react faster with sodium iodide in acetone
Which of the following compound will be most reactive for SN1 reactions?
Best method for preparation of
by williamson's ether synthesis is
In the acid catalyzed dehydration of alcohols to alkenes, the intermediate species formed is
The major products obtained when this substrate is subjected to E2 reaction will be
Which of following cannot undergo an E2 reaction ?
(A) (B) (C)
Which alkylbromide will yield-3-methyl-1-hexene as the major product upon treatment with potassium t-butoxide in t-butyl alcohol (solvent) ?
Total number of SN1 products of given compound are
The major product obtained when this substrate is subjected to E2 reaction will be
If the following E2 reaction proceeds through an anti-periplaner transition state, what products are expected ?
The major product obtained when this substrate is subjected to E1 reaction will be
Consider the given reaction
Which of following statement are correct for above reaction.
The following question may have more than 1 correct option:
SN1 & SN2 product are same in (excluding steroisomer)