Which of the following has different dimension from the other three,
An alternating emf is applied across a parallel combination of a resistance R, capacitance C and an induction L. If IR, IL, IC are the currents through R, L and C respectively, then the diagram which correctly represents the phase relationship among IR, IL, IC and source emf ε is the given by
The average power dissipated is pure inductance is
A DC ammeter cannot measure alternating current value
The time required for a 50Hz alternating current to increase from zero to 70.7% of its peak value is
The variation of the instantaneous current I and the instantaneous emf E in a circuit is as shown in figure. Which of the following statements is correct
In a series LCR circuit containing an AC voltage source of frequency ω, current I and voltage V. Then for the given resistance, the correct statement is:
In an electric circuit applied ac emf is ε = 20 sin 300t Volt and the current is i = 4 sin 300t Amp. The resistance of the circuit is.