An article is bought for Rs 600 and sold for Rs 750. What is the profit percentage?
The profit obtained by selling a book for Rs 56 is the same as the loss obtained by selling this book for Rs 42. What is the cost price of the book?
By selling a CD for Rs 150, a shop owner lost 1/16 of what it costs. What is the cost price of CD?
A man sold an article at a profit of 10%. If he had charged Rs 45 more his profit percentage would have been 25%. What is the cost price?
A man buys 200 oranges for Rs 10. How many oranges a rupee can he sell so that his profit percentage is 25%?
By selling an article for Rs 360, the loss incurred is 10%. At what minimum price should he sell that article to avoid loss?
The owner of Book Point does not get either profit or loss by selling 15 books for Rs 225. How many books should he sell for the same amount to gain 25% profit?
CP of 12 apples is equal to the SP of 9 apples and the discount on 10 apples is equal to the profit on 5 apples. What is the percentage difference between the CP and SP of apples?
A shopkeeper professes to sell his articles at CP but gives only N grams in the place of 1000 gm. If his profit percentage is 100%, what is the value of N?
A car is sold for Rs 2,400 at a profit of 20%. What is the CP?
A cube is painted orange on two adjacent faces, white on two adjacent faces and green on the remaining faces. Now the cube is cut into 125 smaller cubes of equal size.
How many cubes are there with at least 1 green face?
A cube is painted orange on two adjacent faces, white on two adjacent faces and green on the remaining faces. Now the cube is cut into 125 smaller cubes of equal size.
How many cubes are there with their faces coloured only white, if at all?
Directions: A cube is painted orange on two adjacent faces, white on two adjacent faces and green on the remaining faces. Now the cube is cut into 125 smaller cubes of equal size.
How many cubes are there with only one face coloured orange?
Directions: Read the following information and answer the question given below.
A cube of side 10 cm is coloured red, with a 2 cm wide green strip along all the sides on all the faces. The cube is cut into 125 smaller cubes of equal sizes.
Q. How many cubes have three green faces each?
Directions: Read the following information and answer the question given below.
A cube of side 10 cm is coloured red, with a 2 cm wide green strip along all the sides on all the faces. The cube is cut into 125 smaller cubes of equal sizes.
Q. How many cubes are without any colour?
The shape in the figure given below is folded to form a box. Choose from the alternatives (1), (2), (3) and (4), the boxes that are similar to the box formed from the shape below.
Two positions of a dice are given. Which of the following numbers would be at the top when 2 is at the bottom?
Which of the following cubes can be created by folding the given figure?
Directions: In the following question, four positions of the same dice having different characters are shown.
Directions: Figure (A) below shows an unfolded cubical dice. This unfolded figure is followed by four different figures of dice. You have to select the figure which is identical to figure (A).
The record for the biggest tiger hunt has not been met since 1911 when Lord Hardinge, then Viceroy of India, shot a tiger that measured 11 feet and 6 inches.
When it was feared that the serfs might go too far and gain their freedom from serfdom, the protestant leaders joined the princes at crushing them.
If the room had been brighter, I would have been able to read for a while before bed time.
Instructions: In questions (Q1-10) given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, option 'D' is the answer.
The workers are hell bent at getting what is due to them.
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