Which newspaper secured top honors at the 6th International Newspaper Design Competition?
Which organization celebrated its 65th Raising Day recently?
Who has assumed command as the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief (AOC-in-C) of the Training Command in the Indian Air Force?
What was Salam Bin Razzaq known for in his career?
When is International No Diet Day celebrated annually?
Which company has bagged orders worth about Rs 19,000 crore from BSNL for deploying its 4G network along with Tejas Networks and government-owned ITI?
Which country's coast near Dar es Salaam is set to be hit by Cyclone Hidaya from the Indian Ocean?
Which country successfully launched a candle wax-powered rocket named "SR75" using liquid oxygen?
Who assumed the role of Chief of Personnel of the Indian Navy on 10 May 2024?
Which industry group has joined forces with the Indian Coast Guard for the promotion of indigenous marine-grade aluminium?
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