Trisomic autosomal congenital disease is :-
Autoimmunity against the synovial membrane at joint is called:-
Colostrum, the first milk secretion of mammarygland is rich in immunoglobin
In Acute renal failure, which of the biochemical substances detect excessively in blood :-
Neutrophils and monocytes are important cells participating in :-
BCG vaccine is a preventive measure against :-
During deficiency of folic acid the number ofleucocytes fall considerable and then the disease or condition is called :-
Now a days Cornea transplant is very populer. Thereason is that :–
Number of Barr body present in a female child withdown syndrome :-
Which is a autosomal chromosomal mutational disorder :-
Most common cause of mental retardation(Congenital) in male children is :-
Which disorder is due to gene incompatibility :-
Which disorder is due to 4th chromosomal abnormality :-
Individuals with a karyotype of 45 chromosome 44 autosome and one sex chromosome have been found to suffering from the abnormality called female dysgenesis or
A person has long legs, female like appearance with breast (gynecomastia) and sterile will have one of the genetic compliment
Achondroplasia is a disease related with the defectin formation of