Define the statement which suggests that calories requirements in rural areas are considered to be higher than urban areas.
In which state has the high agricultural growth helped to reduce poverty?
The accepted average calorie requirement per person in urban areas in India is :
The worst affected groups in rural areas facing food insecurity are :
The society which facilitated setting up of grain banks in different regions is :
Minimum Support Price (MSP) is announced by the government to provide :
Assertion (A) : Social scientists look at poverty through a variety of indicators.
Reason (R) : Poverty has many facets.
Assertion (A) : People in urban areas do more physical work.
Reason (R) : Calorie requirement per person is more in rural areas than urban areas.
Which age group of children does the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aims to promote education?
A famine is characterised by widespread deaths due to starvation and epidemics caused by forced use of contaminated water or decaying food and loss of body resistance due to weakening from starvation.
Which of the following is a significant step towards providing elementary education to all the children in the age group of 6-14 years?
In which of the following states Academy of Development Science has facilitated a network of NGOs for setting up grain banks in different regions?
Under Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY), subsidised rate for wheat is :
Which institution was set up by Maharashtra Academy of Development Science to facilitate a network of NGO's?