The clock frequency of an 8085 micro processor in 5MHz. If the time required to execute particular instruction is 1.2μs, then the number of 'T" states needed for executing that instruction is
Consider a single input single output discrete-time system with x[n] as input and y[n] as output, where the two are related as
Q. Which one of the following statements is true about the system?
Consider the following statement about the linear dependence of the real valued functions y1 = 1, y2 = x and y3 = x2, over the field of real numbers.
I. y1, y2 and y3 are linearly independent on - 1 < x < 0
II. y1 , y2 and y3 are linearly dependent on 0 < x < 1
III. y1, y2 and y3 are linearly independent on 0 < x < 1
IV. y1, y2 and y3 are linearly dependent on - 1 < x < 0
Q. Which one among the following is correct?
Consider the 5 × 5 matrix
It is given that A has only one real eigen value. Then the real eigen value of A is
The voltage of an electromagnetic wave propagating in a coaxial cable with uniform characteristic impedance is volts, Where l is the distance along the length of the cable in meters.
is the complex propagation constant, and 9
rad s is the angular frequency. The absolute value of the attenuation in the cable in dB/meter is __________.
A bar of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) is doped with Silicon such that the Silicon atoms occupy Gallium and Arsenic sites in the GaAs crystal. Which one of the following statement is true?
The rank of the matrix
For a narrow base PNP BJT, the excess minority carrier concentration (ΔnE for emitter, ΔpB for base.ΔnC for collector) normalized to equilibrium minority carrier concentration ( nE0for emitter, pB0 for base, nC0for collector) in the quasi-neutral emitter, base and collector regions are shown below. Which one of the following biasing modes is the transistor operating in?
Consider the D-Latch shown in the figure, which is transparent when its clock input CK is high and has zero propagation delay. In the figure, the clock signal CLK1 has a 50% duty cycle and CLK2 is a one-fifth period delayed version of CLK1. The duty cycle at the output latch in percentage is ___________.
The Miller effect in the context of a Common Emitter amplifier explains
Which of the following can be pole-zero configuration of a phase-lag controller (lag compensator)?
In the latch circuit shown, the NAND gates have non-zero, but unequal propagation delays. The present input condition is: P = Q = ‘0’. If the input condition is changed simultaneously to P = Q = ‘1’, the outputs X and Y are
Three fair cubical dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability that all three dice have the same number of dots on the faces showing up is (up to third decimal place) __________.
A periodic signal x(t) has a trigonometric Fourier series expansion
The open loop transfer function G(s )
Where p is an integer, is connected in unity feedback configuration as shown in figure.
Given that the steady state error is zero for unit step input and is 6 for unit ramp input, the value of the parameter p is _________.
An n+- n Silicon device is fabricated with uniform and non-degenerate donor doping concentrations of and
corresponding to the n+ and n regions respectively. At the operational temperature T, assume complete impurity ionization, kT/q = 25 mV, and intrinsic carrier concentration to be
What is the magnitude of the built-in potential of this device?
For the operational amplifier circuit shown, the output saturation voltages are ±15V. The upper and lower threshold voltages for the circuit are, respectively.
In the circuit shown, the positive angular frequency w (in radians per second) at which magnitude of the phase difference between the voltages V1 and V2 equals radians, is __________.
In a digital communication system, the overall pulse shape p(t) at the receiver before the sampler has the Fourier transform P(f). If the symbols are transmitted at the rate of 2000 symbols per second, for which of the following cases is inter symbol interference zero?
Consider a stable system with transfer function
Where b1, - - - bp and a1, - - - aq are real valued constants. The slope of the Bode log magnitude curve of G(s) converges to -60 dB decade as A possible pair of values for p and q is
A good transconductance amplifier should have
Let (X1 , X2) be independent random variables. X1 has mean 0 and variance 1, while X2 has mean 1 and variance 4. The mutual information I (X1; X2) between X1 and X2 in bits is _________.
Consider the following statements for continuous-time linear time invariant (LTI) systems.
I. There is no bounded input bounded output (BIBO) stable system with a pole in the right half of the complex plane.
II. There is non causal and BIBO stable system with a pole in the right half of the complex plane.
Q. Which one among the following is correct?
Which one of the following statements about differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) is true?
Consider a wireless communication link between a transmitter and a receiver located in free space, with finite and strictly positive capacity. If the effective areas of the transmitter and the receiver antennas, and the distance between them are all doubled, and everything else remains unchanged, the maximum capacity of the wireless link
Starting with x = 1, the solution of the equation x3 + x = 1, after two iterations of NewtonRaphson’s method (up to two decimal places) is _________.
In binary frequency shift keying (FSK), the given signal waveform are
u0 (t) = 5 cos (20000πt);0 < t < T, and
u1 (t) = 5 cos (22000πt);0 < t < T,
Where T is the bit-duration interval and t is in seconds. Both u0 (t) and u1 (t) are zero outside the interval 0 < t < T. With a matched filter (correlator) based receiver, the smallest positive value of T (in milliseconds) required to have u0 (t ) and u1 (t) uncorrelated is
For the DC analysis of the Common-Emitter amplifier shown, neglect the base current and assume that the emitter and collector current are equal. Given that VT = 25mV, VBE = 0.7V, and the BJT output resistance r0 is practically infinite. Under these conditions, the midband voltage gain magnitude. _________.
The figure shows an RLC circuit exited by the sinusoidal voltage 100 cos ( 3t ) volts, where t is in seconds. The ratio _________.
Which one of the following is the general solution of the first order differential equation where x, y are real?