In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. ______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, _______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. More than a year later, _______ the policy has failed.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan.
In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Currently, the U.S. _______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance. The balance is for U.S. forces and logistical support. These figures have reduced over time, as U.S. troop deployment is down to 15,000 now from 100,000 in 2010. _______, over the last 18 years, the cumulative cost to the U.S. has been estimated at $800 billion on U.S. deployments and $105 billion in rebuilding Afghanistan. About 2,400 U.S. troops ______ been killed though casualty figures since 2015, when the U.S. withdrew from combat operations, are down to 12 a year. ______ expending this blood and treasure, the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. Mr. Trump’s questioning of the usefulness of continuing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is justified.
The 2017 policy aimed at breaking the military stalemate by expanding the U.S. presence by 5,000 troops, ______ Pakistan on notice, and strengthening Afghan capabilities. More than a year later, ______ the policy has failed. The military situation has improved in favor of the Taliban, while the Taliban and Haqqani Network sanctuaries in Pakistan remain intact.
Afghan security forces are suffering unacceptable attrition. ______ 2015, when the Afghan security forces took charge of combat operations, they have suffered around 30,000 casualties. Civilian casualties are over 3,000 a year. ______ recruitment drying up and desertions on the rise, the Afghan security forces are down by more than 10% from their sanctioned strength.
Parliamentary elections were conducted on October 20 last year with much fanfare but the announcement of the final results has been ______ postponed amid allegations that more than one-fourth of the votes cast were rigged.
Unconfirmed reports that the U.S. was withdrawing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan began to circulate hours after James Mattis’s resignation as Defence Secretary. The White House backtracked by subsequently clarifying that this was one of the options being explored but no decision had been taken. _______, it is clear which way the wind is blowing.
Q. Currently, the U.S. ______ $45 billion a year in Afghanistan, including $5 billion for Afghan security forces and $780 million on economic assistance.
Direction: In the question given below, there are five statements marked A-E. All the statements except one belong to the same context. Find the odd one out and mark the correct answer from the given options.
A. Google and Amazon have intensified their focus on India, an e-commerce frontier that has the potential for now.
B. These companies have mostly focused on legislation related to consumer payments and cybersecurity which they believe to be the way to go in Indonesia
C. China has not welcomed the American companies warmly.
D. Unfriendly policies and homegrown behemoths have made it difficult to breach Beijing.
E. The US homegrown market is saturated. India, on the other hand, is inviting.
In the question given below, there are five statements marked A-E. All the statements except one belong to the same context. Find the odd one out and mark the correct answer from the given options.
A. Liquidity is a major area of concern which contributes to the bulk of exports in employment-intensive sectors.
B. It has been a challenging year for Indian assets classes such as equities and bonds.
C. The 10-year bond yield is close to its 2018 high - there has been a sharp rally in crude-oil prices.
D. Worsening of India's macro fundamentals is one of the reasons behind the decline of the rupee.
E. The rupee is currently among the worst performing currencies in emerging markets.
Below a word is given followed by three sentences which consist of that word. Identify the sentence/s which best expresses the meaning of the word. Choose option 5 (None of the these) if the word is not suitable in any of the sentences.
Below a word is given followed by three sentences which consist of that word. Identify the sentence/s which best expresses the meaning of the word. Choose option 5 (None of the these) if the word is not suitable in any of the sentences.
Below a word is given followed by three sentences which consist of that word. Identify the sentence/s which best expresses the meaning of the word. Choose option 5 (None of the these) if the word is not suitable in any of the sentences.
Below a word is given followed by three sentences which consist of that word. Identify the sentence/s which best expresses the meaning of the word. Choose option 5 (None of the these) if the word is not suitable in any of the sentences.
Below a word is given followed by three sentences which consist of that word. Identify the sentence/s which best expresses the meaning of the word. Choose option 5 (None of the these) if the word is not suitable in any of the sentences.
Select the phrase/connector from the given options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.
Q. Managers can enhance the performance-outcome tie. In order to do so, they should use systems that tie rewards very closely to performance. They should ensure that the rewards provided are deserved and wanted by the recipients.
Select the phrase/connector from the given options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.
Q. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is caused by a recurrent interruption of breathing during sleep. This is due to upper airway obstruction caused by sleep-related loss of upper airway muscle tone or anatomical obstruction of the upper airway. It is also called as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Select the phrase/connector from the given options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.
Q. Greenroom is an agency specializing in digital marketing and artist management. A report by it clearly states that influencer marketing is set to grow in 2019. It said that 94% of the brands preferred Instagram for their campaigns, followed by Facebook and YouTube.
In the following question, four words are given in underline. One of these words given in underline maybe wrongly spelled or inappropriate in the context. Find out the word. If all the words are correct, choose 'All correct' as the answer.
Q. An animal’s stealth, (1) /speed, agillity, and (2) / mental prowess depend on its metabolism, which in turn (3) /depends on its temperature and since birds can keep heating their bodies in frigid conditions, they remain fast and alert. (4) / All correct (5)
In the following questions, four words are given in underline. One of these words given in underline maybe wrongly spelled or inappropriate in the context. Find out the word. If all the words are correct, choose 'All correct' as the answer.
Q. The protagonist of the story is shallow, lazy, and (1) / contradictory as she craves money and luxury as much as any postmodern Marie Antoinette, but despises bourgeois (2) / culture; she loathes her husband (3) / and resents her child for being a burden. (4) / All correct (5)
In the following questions, four words are given in undrline. One of these words given in underline maybe wrongly spelled or inappropriate in the context. Find out the word. If all the words are correct, choose 'All correct' as the answer.
Q. The chemical saccharin’s rise from a small white pill reserved for diabetics, to a daenty treat (1) / for women is astonishing and (2) / these sugar alternatives are now so ubiquitous that (3) / people tend to ignore the doubts that still linger about their safety.(4) / All correct (5)
In the following questions, four words are given in underline. One of these words given in underline maybe wrongly spelled or inappropriate in the context. Find out the word. If all the words are correct, choose 'All correct' as the answer.
Q. A grizzled sailor living on a mysterious (1) / island, James takes tourists out to fish every day, and while his skin has the pallour and consistency (2) / of cured cod meat, his true obsession is (3) / tuna—specifically, one monstrously large tuna that he’s been hunting for a long time. (4) / All correct (5)
Read the sentence given below and try to understand the meaning of the underlined word based on the context.
Q. The young boy always seemed a little aloof; the other kids in the class did not want to talk to him because of his unsocial behaviour.
Read the passage given below and then answer the questions given below the passage. Some words may be highlighted for your attention.
Home cooking is extremely important for health and it can change your life. This is the message Michael Pollan gives in the lecture as he presents the book Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation launched earlier this year.
He speaks about fast food companies and notes that when you let fast food companies cook your food, you end up with vast monocultures of soya, corn and animals. The reason for this is that fast food companies and food processors push to drive the costs down relentlessly by forcing economies of scale and efficiency.
Pollan gives the experience of McDonalds and their French fries. He says that they use a potato which is unusually long and difficult to grow. If it has blemishes they will not buy it. This forces farmers to use pesticides. Pollen says that the pesticide that is used is so toxic that farmers will not venture into the fields for five days after they spray the potatoes. Later, when they harvest the potatoes, these have to be put in atmosphere-controlled sheds the size of a football stadium for six weeks before they become edible.
He says home cooking has been in decline since the 1960s. And it is no coincidence that as the rates of home cooking decline, the rates of obesity goes up. He also notes that corporations using marketing have brainwashed people into thinking that cooking is drudgery. “We are daunted about cooking. The marketing messages implicitly tell us that we are too busy to cook and too important. You are depicted as a loser if you have time to cook. This is how marketing works. You create anxiety and then sell a solution.”
Q. What is the most harmful consequence of the declining rates of home cooking?
Read the passage given below and then answer the questions given below the passage. Some words may be highlighted for your attention.
Home cooking is extremely important for health and it can change your life. This is the message Michael Pollan gives in the lecture as he presents the book Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation launched earlier this year.
He speaks about fast food companies and notes that when you let fast food companies cook your food, you end up with vast monocultures of soya, corn and animals. The reason for this is that fast food companies and food processors push to drive the costs down relentlessly by forcing economies of scale and efficiency.
Pollan gives the experience of McDonalds and their French fries. He says that they use a potato which is unusually long and difficult to grow. If it has blemishes they will not buy it. This forces farmers to use pesticides. Pollen says that the pesticide that is used is so toxic that farmers will not venture into the fields for five days after they spray the potatoes. Later, when they harvest the potatoes, these have to be put in atmosphere-controlled sheds the size of a football stadium for six weeks before they become edible.
He says home cooking has been in decline since the 1960s. And it is no coincidence that as the rates of home cooking decline, the rates of obesity goes up. He also notes that corporations using marketing have brainwashed people into thinking that cooking is drudgery. “We are daunted about cooking. The marketing messages implicitly tell us that we are too busy to cook and too important. You are depicted as a loser if you have time to cook. This is how marketing works. You create anxiety and then sell a solution.”
Q. Which of the following is the reason for which farmers can even go to extremes such as using toxic pesticides?
Read the passage given below and then answer the questions given below the passage. Some words may be highlighted for your attention.
Home cooking is extremely important for health and it can change your life. This is the message Michael Pollan gives in the lecture as he presents the book Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation launched earlier this year.
He speaks about fast food companies and notes that when you let fast food companies cook your food, you end up with vast monocultures of soya, corn and animals. The reason for this is that fast food companies and food processors push to drive the costs down relentlessly by forcing economies of scale and efficiency.
Pollan gives the experience of McDonalds and their French fries. He says that they use a potato which is unusually long and difficult to grow. If it has blemishes they will not buy it. This forces farmers to use pesticides. Pollen says that the pesticide that is used is so toxic that farmers will not venture into the fields for five days after they spray the potatoes. Later, when they harvest the potatoes, these have to be put in atmosphere-controlled sheds the size of a football stadium for six weeks before they become edible.
He says home cooking has been in decline since the 1960s. And it is no coincidence that as the rates of home cooking decline, the rates of obesity goes up. He also notes that corporations using marketing have brainwashed people into thinking that cooking is drudgery. “We are daunted about cooking. The marketing messages implicitly tell us that we are too busy to cook and too important. You are depicted as a loser if you have time to cook. This is how marketing works. You create anxiety and then sell a solution.”
Q. What is the attitude of Michael Pollen towards Fast food joints?
Read the passage given below and then answer the questions given below the passage. Some words may be highlighted for your attention.
Home cooking is extremely important for health and it can change your life. This is the message Michael Pollan gives in the lecture as he presents the book Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation launched earlier this year.
He speaks about fast food companies and notes that when you let fast food companies cook your food, you end up with vast monocultures of soya, corn and animals. The reason for this is that fast food companies and food processors push to drive the costs down relentlessly by forcing economies of scale and efficiency.
Pollan gives the experience of McDonalds and their French fries. He says that they use a potato which is unusually long and difficult to grow. If it has blemishes they will not buy it. This forces farmers to use pesticides. Pollen says that the pesticide that is used is so toxic that farmers will not venture into the fields for five days after they spray the potatoes. Later, when they harvest the potatoes, these have to be put in atmosphere-controlled sheds the size of a football stadium for six weeks before they become edible.
He says home cooking has been in decline since the 1960s. And it is no coincidence that as the rates of home cooking decline, the rates of obesity goes up. He also notes that corporations using marketing have brainwashed people into thinking that cooking is drudgery. “We are daunted about cooking. The marketing messages implicitly tell us that we are too busy to cook and too important. You are depicted as a loser if you have time to cook. This is how marketing works. You create anxiety and then sell a solution.”
Q. Which of the following is similar to the word daunted used in the passage?
Read the passage given below and then answer the questions given below the passage. Some words may be highlighted for your attention.
Home cooking is extremely important for health and it can change your life. This is the message Michael Pollan gives in the lecture as he presents the book Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation launched earlier this year.
He speaks about fast food companies and notes that when you let fast food companies cook your food, you end up with vast monocultures of soya, corn and animals. The reason for this is that fast food companies and food processors push to drive the costs down relentlessly by forcing economies of scale and efficiency.
Pollan gives the experience of McDonalds and their French fries. He says that they use a potato which is unusually long and difficult to grow. If it has blemishes they will not buy it. This forces farmers to use pesticides. Pollen says that the pesticide that is used is so toxic that farmers will not venture into the fields for five days after they spray the potatoes. Later, when they harvest the potatoes, these have to be put in atmosphere-controlled sheds the size of a football stadium for six weeks before they become edible.
He says home cooking has been in decline since the 1960s. And it is no coincidence that as the rates of home cooking decline, the rates of obesity goes up. He also notes that corporations using marketing have brainwashed people into thinking that cooking is drudgery. “We are daunted about cooking. The marketing messages implicitly tell us that we are too busy to cook and too important. You are depicted as a loser if you have time to cook. This is how marketing works. You create anxiety and then sell a solution.”
Q. Which of the following statements can be concluded based on the passage?