Five friends - Deepu, Sonu, Tinku, Guddu and Innu.
1. Innu is taller than Tinku.
Innu > Tinku
2. Among all, Tinku comes exactly in the middle on the basis of height.
Case I: ____ > Innu > Tinku > _____ > _____
Case II: Innu > _____ > Tinku > _____ > _____
3. Guddu is shortest among all.
Case I: ____ > Innu > Tinku > _____ > Guddu
Case II: Innu > _____ > Tinku > _____ > Guddu
4. Sonu is taller than Tinku but not the tallest in the group.
The above condition cannot be satisfied in Case I, so it is eliminated.
Case II: Innu > Sonu > Tinku > _____ > Guddu
As Deepu is the only person left, Deepu will occupy the vacant position.
So, the final arrangement will be as shown below:
Innu > Sonu > Tinku > Deepu > Guddu
Clearly, Deepu comes at the 2nd position starting from the shortest to tallest.
Hence, ‘Deepu’ is the correct answer.