Who among the following was not connected with the unification of Italy?
What major issue was criticised by the liberal-nationalists?
Romanticism refers to which of the following?
As defined by Ernst Renan, a nation has to have specific attributes. One of the following is not among the stated attributes
In which year did the Greek struggle for independence begin?
The middle class, which had received western education, assimilated the philosophy of ______.
Who took advantage of the dispute between France and Italy on religious and colonial problems?
Bismarck was the architect of ____________ unification.
Why was the treaty of Vienna drawn up in 1815?
Which group was numerically small in European society?
In Sorrieu utopian vision, people are offering to
The Prime Minister of Sardinia, who was responsible for the unification of Italy, was ________.
Which of the following is true concerning romanticism?
The union abolished trade barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over _______ to two.
Industrialisation began in ______ in the second half of the eighteenth century.
Who revolted in 1830 and set up an independent nation?
The term liberalism is derived from the _____ term liber.
In which year were conservative regimes setup?
What was the basic philosophy of the conservatives?
In which year was Napoleon defeated?
Who was bound to the land of a particular lord and could not migrate without his permission?
What did the term Anschluss mean to Hitler and the Germans?
After the defeat of ______, the old ruling dynasty of France was restored to power.
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