“From where are they bringing their books? ________ bringing _______ books from _____.”
The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are
“A _________ investigation can sometimes yield new facts, but typically organized ones are more successful.”
The word that best fills the blank in the above sentence is
The area of a square is . What is the area of the circle which has the diagonal of the square as its diameter?
What would be the smallest natural number which when divided either by 20 or by 42 or by 76 leaves a remainder of 7 in each case?
What is the missing number in the following sequence?
2, 12, 60, 240, 720, 1440, _____, 0
In appreciation of the social improvements completed in a town, a wealthy philanthropist decided to gift Rs 750 to each male senior citizen in the town and Rs 1000 to each female senior citizen. Altogether, there were 300 senior citizens eligible for this gift. However, only 8/9th of the eligible men and 2/3rd of the eligible women claimed the gift. How much money (in Rupees) did the philanthropist give away in total?
If what is the value of the product XYZ?
In a party, 60% of the invited guests are male and 40% are female. If 80% of the invited guests attended the party and if all the invited female guests attended, what would be the ratio of males to females among the attendees in the party?
In the figure below, ∠DEC + ∠BFC is equal to ____________ .
A six sided unbiased die with four green faces and two red faces is rolled seven times. Which of the following combinations is the most likely outcome of the experiment?
The values of x satisfying the following condition are
An azimuth of 330° corresponds to a quadrant bearing of
Tri-cone drill bit is a type of
Exposure of weak roof in junctions of a development district in a coal mine can be decreased by
The property that CANNOT be determined from uniaxial compressive strength test of a rock sample fitted with strain gauges is
The radial stress concentration around a long circular tunnel excavated in rock is given by the curve
Ward-Leonard system is provided in the winding system in order to restrict
The equipment NOT related to extraction of coal from longwall face operation is
The correct figure depicting the extraction of contiguous seams in bord and pillar working is indicated by
The significance of ‘potentially explosive mixture’ in Coward flammability diagram is -
Considering ‘I’ as ‘intake’ and ‘R’ as ‘return’, the ventilation symbol for the shaft-bottom air-lock in a coal mine is
From a coal seam of a mine 1000 tonnes of coal is produced per day. The seam has inflammable gas emission rate of 14000 m3 per day. Percentage of inflammable gas in general body of air is 0.14. The gassiness of the seam is
The temperature profiles and the plume patterns that are most likely to result are given in the figures. The dotted line represents ‘adiabatic lapse rate’ and the bold line represents ‘environmental lapse rate’. The WRONG combination is
The inventory pattern shown does NOT represent the following.
The figure depicts a transportation problem along with the solution. The correct statement is
The degree of the differential equation is ________________-.
The slope of the line connecting the points (20, 6) and (40, 8) is ______________.
Two contours of RL 60 m and 70 m are separated by 34 m measured along dip of the seam. The dip of the seam in degree is ________________.
The RL of the initial station is 200 m. If ∑ BS = 1.54 m and ∑ FS = 0.45 m , then the RL of the last station in m is ________________.