The letters of the word NUMKITP are indisorder. If they are arranged in proper order, the name of a vegetable is formed. What is the last letter of the word so formed?
Answer the following question based on the given arrangements:
Y W @ 2 1 & C N 3 P L B 9 β = D * E 2 £ M V $7 # F G 5
Q. How many such symbols are there in the given arrangement which are not immediately preceded by a number and also not immediately followed by a letter?
Answer the following question based on the given arrangements:
Y W @ 2 1 & C N 3 P L B 9 β = D * E 2 £ M V $7 # F G 5
Q. If the numbers immediately preceding the symbols are attached the value double their numerical value, then what will be the sum of the values of all such numbers?
Answer the following question based on the given arrangements:
Y W @ 2 1 & C N 3 P L B 9 β = D * E 2 £ M V $7 # F G 5
Q. Three of the following four are a like in a certain way based on the above arrangement and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group?
Answer the following questionsbased on the given arrangements:
Y W @ 2 1 & C N 3 P L B 9 β = D * E 2 £ M V $7 # F G 5
Q. If Y W @ 2 are written in the reverse order& C N 3 are written in the reverse order and so on, then in the new arrangement which of the following will be exactly in the middle between 9 and $?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
26. 14 : 9 :: 26 : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
MO : 13 11 :: HJ : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
123 : 132 :: 235 : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
8 : 28 :: 27 : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
3 : 12 :: 5 : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
MXN : 13 x 14 :: FXR : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
16 : 56 :: 32 : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
4 : 19 :: 7 : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
24 : 60 :: 120 : ?
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
335 : 216 :: 987 : ?
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