Harini ranks 13 from the top and 28 from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?
In a row of thirty five children, A is fifteenth from the right end and there are ten children between A and D. What is D’s position from the left end of the row?
In a class of 45 students, Amir’s rank from the top is 16 . Ashok is 6 ranks below Amir. What is Ashok’s rank from the bottom?
In the following English alphabets, if first half of the alphabets is written in reverse order.Which of the letter is 8 to the right of 13 letter from the left?
In a queue of children, Kowsh is fifth from the left and Monika is sixth from the right. When they interchange their places among themselves, Kowsh becomes thirteenth from the left. Now what will be Monika’s position from the right?
In a row of children, Divya is 7 from the left and Vijay is 9 from the right. When they interchange their places among themselves, Divya becomes 18 From the left. Then what will be Vijay’s present position from the right ?
In a column of students Mathu is 10th from the front. Nakul is 3 places ahead of Sunil who is 24nd from the front. How many students are there between Mathu and Nakul in the column?
In a row of 45 students facing North, Sahil is 6th to the left of Mahesh. If Mahesh is 30th from the left end of the row, how far is Sahil from the right end of the row?
In a row of students, Sita and Monish occupy the 8 place from the right end and 10 place from the left end respectively. If they interchange their places, then Sita occupies 16 place from the right end. How many students are there in the row?
Vishnu is 6 ranks ahead of Sunil in a class of 28.If Sunil’s rank is 14th from the last, what is Vishnu’s rank from the start?
In a row of 20 girls, Shruti is sitting 5th from left end of the row and is also sitting 10th to left of Kareena. Pankhuri is sitting 8th from the right end of row. How many girls are sitting between Pankhuri and Kareena?
In a class of 45 students, Veena is placed at 31th position from the bottom and Kashish is 4 places above Veena. If Surbhi is 5 places above Kashish, then what is the rank of Surbhi in the class?
Rita is sitting 5th from the left end of row and Sita is 11th to right of Rita with Tina being 4th to left of Sita. Madhuri is 8th to right of Tina. What is the total number of students in the row if Madhuri is sitting at the extreme end?
Karuna is sitting 25th from the left end and Preeti is sitting 26th from the right end. Preeti is at 20th to the left of Karuna. What is the total number of students sitting in the row?
In a class of 20 students, Shreya is 5 from the top and Annie is 7 ranks below Shreya. Find Annie’s rank from bottom.
In a row of 30 children, A is 11th from the right end of row. If there are 4 children between A and B, What is the position of B from the left end of row?
Prerna is 5th from the left end and Charu is 4th from the right of row. Charu interchanges her position with the one who is sitting 3rd to the right of Prerna and now Charu is 10th from the right end. How many children are there in the row?
Garima interchanges her position with the one who is 3 places away from Garima. Now Chinu is 5th to right of Garima and is 3rd from the right of the row. What is the position of Garima from the right end of row?
Shikha is 10th from the top in a class with Ruhani being 16th from the bottom. If there are 5 students between Shikha and Ruhani, how many total students are there in the class when no two students share the same rank?
Ranveer is 5th from left end of row and Ranbir is 6th from right of row. If they interchange their positions, Ranbir becomes 16th from the right end. What is the total number of people in the row?
11 videos|20 docs|171 tests
11 videos|20 docs|171 tests