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SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - SSC CGL MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test SSC CGL Previous Year Papers - SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 for SSC CGL 2025 is part of SSC CGL Previous Year Papers preparation. The SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 questions and answers have been prepared according to the SSC CGL exam syllabus.The SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 MCQs are made for SSC CGL 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 below.
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SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 1

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2013]

A person who attends to the diseases of the eye is an

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 1

1: Oculist


  • An oculist is a medical doctor specializing in the diseases and treatment of the eye.
  • An optimist is someone who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future.
  • An obstetrician is a doctor specializing in childbirth and the care of women giving birth.
  • An optician is a professional who makes or sells eyeglasses and other optical instruments, but they do not treat eye diseases.

So, the correct term for a person who attends to the diseases of the eye is oculist.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 2

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2013]

The study of worms and insects

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 2

The branch of zoology concerned with study of insects.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 3

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2013]

A person who devotes his/her life for the welfare of others

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 3

A person with disinterested and selfless concern.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 4

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2013]

A person who shows off his learning

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 4

A pedant is someone who makes a great show of their knowledge, often in a way that annoys or irritates others. They are sometimes described as being overly concerned with minor details or rules, and may come across as arrogant or condescending in their manner of speaking.

An educationist is someone who is deeply committed to the field of education and seeks to improve educational practices and systems.

An exhibitor is someone who puts on displays or exhibits, such as in a museum or trade show.

A researcher is someone who conducts systematic investigations or studies in order to discover new knowledge or insights.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 5

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2013]

Written law of a legislative body

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 5

The written law of a legislative body is called a statute. Therefore, the answer is (a) Statute.

A "stature" refers to the height of a person or an object, and has no relation to law or legislation. "Static" refers to something that is fixed, stationary or unchanging, and again, is not related to law or legislation.

A "statue" is a three-dimensional sculpture, typically made of stone, metal, or wood, and also has no relation to law or legislation, except when the law specifically pertains to statues (e.g. regulations on where statues can be placed).

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 6

Directions: In the following questions below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2014]

One who offers his service of his own free will

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 6

A volunteer is a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise and undertake a task.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 7

Directions: In the following questions below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2014]

One who is always doubting

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 7

Sceptic means a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 8

Directions: In the following questions below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2014]

A collection of slaves

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 8

Coffle means a line of slaves / animals fastened or driven along together.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 9

Directions: In the following questions below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2014]

A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 9

A mercenary is a hired professional soldier who fights for any state or nation without regard to political principles.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 10

Directions: In the following questions below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2014]

Not likely to be easily pleased

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 10

Fastidious means difficult to please.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 11

Directions: In the following question below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2015]

Walking in sleep:

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 11

Somnambulism means sleepwalking.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 12

Directions: In the following question below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2015]

A person who leaves his own country in order to go and live  in another:

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 12

Emigrant means a person who leaves his own country in order to settle permanently in another.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 13

Directions: In the following question below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2015]

Showing a dislike of anything improper:

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 13

Prim means feeling or showing disapproval of anything.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 14

Directions: In the following question below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2015]

That which cannot be avoided:

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 14

Inevitable means something which is certain to happen.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 15

Directions: In the following question below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC Sub. Ins. 2015]

Artistic, musical or dramatic interpretation:

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 15

Rendition means a performance or in terpretation, especially of a dramatic role or piece of music.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 16

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

Action that is likely to make people very angry

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 16

The action that is likely to make people very angry is (d) Inflammatory.

The term "inflammatory" refers to something that is likely to provoke strong emotions of anger, outrage, or offense in people. For example, making derogatory remarks about someone's race, religion, or gender can be considered inflammatory and can lead to anger and conflict. Similarly, spreading false or misleading information about a sensitive topic can also be inflammatory and cause people to become angry.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 17

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

A humorous drawing dealing with current events or politics.

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 17

As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to create visual content such as sketches, illustrations, or cartoons. However, I can give you an idea for a humorous cartoon:

Two politicians are standing on a stage during a debate. One of them is holding a sign that says "Make America Great Again," while the other holds a sign that says "Keep America Great." In the background, there's a sign that reads "2020," with a worker crossing out the zero and replacing it with a three. The punchline could be something like, "Looks like we're in for another four years of campaigning!"

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 18

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

Act of mercy killing

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 18

Euthanasia is the pai nless killing of a person kn own as mercy killing.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 19

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

A person's peculiar habit

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 19

Idiosyncrasy is a made of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 20

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

Speech delivered without preparation

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 20

Extempore speech is a type of speech that is delivered without any prior preparation. It is also known as impromptu speech, and it requires the speaker to think on their feet and respond to the situation at hand. Extempore speeches are often given in response to a question or a prompt, and the speaker has to quickly organize their thoughts and deliver a coherent message.

Rhetoric is the art of using language effectively and persuasively. Oration is a formal and highly structured speech that is often given on a special occasion or to an important audience. A maiden speech is the first speech given by a new member of a legislative assembly or other organization.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 21

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

One who will do any job for anyone for money

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 21

The term that describes a person who will do any job for anyone for money is (a) Mercenary. A mercenary is a professional soldier or fighter who is hired to serve in a foreign army or a person who is motivated primarily by financial gain.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 22

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences. [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

The ceremony of crowning a sovereign

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 22

The ceremony of crowning a sovereign is called (c) Coronation. Coronation is a formal ceremony that marks the beginning of a monarch's reign. During the coronation ceremony, the monarch takes an oath to uphold the laws and constitution of the country, receives a crown, and is anointed with holy oil. It is a significant event in the history of a monarchy and is often accompanied by elaborate festivities and celebrations.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 23

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences. [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

One who tends to patronize, rebuff or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire people regarded as social superiors

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 23

Snob is a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 24

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences. [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

A room where dead bodies are kept un til burial

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 24

Mortuary is a room or building where dead bodies are kept until burial.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 25

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

An abattoir is _____.

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 25

Abattoir is a slaughter house.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 26

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

A man with abnormal habits

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 26

The most appropriate word to describe a man with abnormal habits would be "eccentric." Eccentricity refers to behavior that is unconventional or odd, but not necessarily harmful or irrational. It is often used to describe individuals who have unique or unusual habits or interests, but are generally harmless and not mentally ill.

Frantic describes behavior that is frenzied or panicked, which may be a result of fear, anxiety, or stress.

Idiotic refers to behavior that is foolish or stupid, and is often used to describe actions or statements that lack common sense or intelligence.

Sulky refers to behavior that is moody or irritable, and is often characterized by a refusal to communicate or engage with others. This behavior can be a result of feeling unhappy or dissatisfied with a situation or person.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 27

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016]

Words inscribed on the tomb

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 27

(a) Epigraph: a short quotation or saying at the beginning of a book or chapter, intended to suggest its theme.

(b) Epigram: a brief, witty, and often paradoxical statement or poem that expresses a single thought or observation.

(c) Epitaph: an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there.

(d) Elegy: a poem or song that expresses sorrow or lamentation, usually for someone who has died.

So, if you are looking for words inscribed on a tomb, the most appropriate term would be (c) Epitaph.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 28

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2015]

Of one's own free will

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 28

Voluntary means of your own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelled.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 29

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2015]

One who runs away from justice or the law.

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 29

Fugitive is one who is sought by law officers; someone trying to elude justice.

SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 30

Directions: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentences.  [SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2015]

One who is skillful.

Detailed Solution for SSC CGL Previous Year Questions: One Word Substitution - 4 - Question 30

Dexterous is the one who is skilful in physical movements; especially of the hands.

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