In an automobile showroom, seven two-wheelers of seven different companies, viz. H, M, T, V, Y, B and S are displayedin a row, facing east such that: (SSC Stenographer 2018)
(A) The H vehicle is to the immediate right of the S vehicle.
(B) The S is fourth to the right of T.
(C) The V is between the M and the B.
(D) The T, which is third to the left of the M, is at one of the ends.
Which vehicle is second to the left of the M?
Six friends - A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a circle facing center. F is to the immediate left of A and B is sitting opposite to F, E and D are sitting opposite to each other. (SSC Stenographer 2018)
Who is sitting third right to A?
Five boys A, B, C, D and E are standing in a line. A is taller than E but shorter than D. B is shorter than E and C is the tallest. Who is in the middle? (SSC CHSL 2017)
A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circular table. A don’t have B and E as his neighbours. E is not sitting with D.When seen in clockwise direction, which of the order of sitting is currect? (SSC Stenographer 2017)
A,B,C,D,E,F ar e sittin g on the round table with equal distances. F is sitting opposite to E and between A and D.C is sitting right side of E and opposite to A. Who are the neighbours of A? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
4 friends ABCD are sitting in a coffee shop. A and B are sitting face to face. D is not sitting next to A but can see the facial expression of A clearly. B is talking to C who is sitting opposite to him. Who are sitting together? (SSC Stenographer 2016)
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are standing in a straight line.
D is to the right of G.
C is between A and B.
E is between F and D.
There are three persons between G and B. Who is on the extreme left? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2015)
Six persons are sitting in a circle. 'J' is between 'N' and 'O'; 'N' is opposite 'M'; and 'L' is not in either of the neighbouring seats of 'N'. Who is opposite to 'K'? (SSC Multitasking 2014)
Five policemen are standing in a row facing south. Shekhar is to the immediate right of Dhanush. Bala is between Basha and Dhanush. David is at the extreme right end of the row.Who is standing in the middle of the row? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2014)
There are five buses M, N, O, P, Q in a row on a road. Bus M is standing at the front and Q is standing at the back end.Bus N stands between M and O. Bus P stands between O and Q. Which bus is in the middle of the five? (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2013)
Five coaches P, L, R, M, O are in a row. R is to the right of M and left of P. L is to the right of P and left of O. Which coach is in the middle? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2013)
Five boys A, B, C, D and E are standing in a row. D is on the right of E. B is on the left of E, but on the right of A. D is onthe left of C, who is standing on the extreme right. Who is standing in the middle ? (SSC CHSL 2013)
(i) A and B can speak Tamil and Malayalam.
(ii) C and D can speak English and Hindi.
iii) B and D can speak Malayalam and Hindi.
(iv) A and C can speak Tamil and English.
One who speaks English, Hindi and Malayalam is: (SSC Stenographer 2013)
Four students ABCD are sitting one each of the four corners of a square all facing the centre of the square. The student E sitting at the centre is facing only C and the student A is sitting facing the back of E. If D is sitting on the right of E, where B will be sitting to E? (SSC CHSL 2012)
Five boys A, B, C, D. E are sitting in a park in a circle. A is facing South-West, D is facing South-East, B and E are right opposite A and D respectively and C is equidistant between D and B. Which direction is C facing'? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2011)
In a classroom, there are 5 rows, and 5 children A, B, C, D and E are seated one behind the other in 5 seperate rows as follows : A is sitting behind C, but in front of B.C is sitting behind E, D is sitting in front of E.The order in which they are sitting from the first row to the last is (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2010)
A group of friends are sitting in an arrangement one each at the corner of an octagon. All are facing the centre. Mahima is sitting diagonally opposite Rama, who is on Sushma's right. Ravi is next to Sushma and opposite Girdhar, who is on Chandra's left. Savitri is not on mahima's right but opposite Shalini. Who is on Shalini's right? (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2010)
21 docs|45 tests
21 docs|45 tests