Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives:
Cytology : Cells :: ? : Birds
Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives:
Select the related word/letters/numbers from the given alternatives:
42 : 56 :: 110 : ?
Find the odd word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
Find the odd word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
Find the odd word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary
1. Direction
2. Directed
3. Director
4. Directing
A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series
A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
6, 10, 18, 34, ?, 130
Introducing Reeta, Monica said, "She is the only daughter of my father's only daughter." How is Monica related to Reeta?
In a row of students, if John , who is 16th from the left, and Johnson, who is 8th from the right, interchange their positions, John becomes 33rd from left. How many students are there in a row?
From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word:
If in a certain language, TEACHER is coded as QBXZEBO, then how is STUDENT coded in the same language?
If 'x' means addition, ''- means division, '÷' means subtraction and '+' means multiplication, then which of the equations is correct?
If 4 x 5 x 2 = 524, 3 x 7 x 2 = 723 and 6 x 8 x 7 = 876 then 9 x 4 x 5 = ?
Select the missing numbers from the given responses
Johnson left for his office in his car. He drove 15km towards North and then 10km towards West. He then turned to the South and covered 5km. Further he turned to East & moved 8km. Finally he turned right and moved 10km. How far & in which direction is he from his starting point?
Consider the given statement/s to be true and decide which of the given conclusions/assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement.
1. All men are lazy.
2. Some men are stenographers.
I. All lazy people are stenographers.
II. Some stenographers are lazy.
Four positions of a cube are shown below. Which color is opposite to white color in the given cubes?
Which one of the following figures best represents the relationship among Kitchen, House and Garden?
Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded
A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?
In the question, a word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., 'P' can be represented by 02, 13, etc., and 'A' can be represented by 57, 68, etc. Similarly you have to identify the set for the word 'GUNS'
Which one of the following countries is not a member of the "BRICS" group?
'Do or Die' is associated with which of the movements in India's freedom struggle
'Parsec' is the unit measurement of
A collective term used by the Jains for their sacred books is
Which one of the following is not an instrument of Fiscal policy?
237 docs|133 tests