When a ship floats at its designed water line, the vertical distance from water line to the bottom of the ship is known as
The maximum harbour depth below lowest low water is generally equal to
The minimum diameter of turning basin, where ships turn by going ahead and without tug assistance should be
In "full face" method of constructing tunnel, the first operation relates to
Which one of the following is considered to be an advantage of the heading and benching method of tunnel construction?
Consider the following statements in regard to Beaufort scale for wind speeds.
1. The Beaufort number ranges from 1 to 12
2. Higher Beaufort number indicates higher speed of wind
3. Beaufort number for calm is smalls and for hurricane is highest
Which of these statements are correct?
At a given port, the fetch is 400 nautical miles, the maximum height of storm wave will be
In a two lane channel, bottom width of channel is given by
Minimum width of ship clearance shall be where “B" is beam of the design vessel
Littoral draft as bed load is proportional to
Where V = Velocity, G = Specific gravity of transported material,
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