Which of the following principle underlies the philosophy of Inclusive education?
Choose the best scenario for inclusive education
Which of the following can be classified as visually impaired?
I. Children with poor vision.
II. Such children who can see light but cannot see shapes.
Hearing loss is damage to the outer or middle ear that interferes with sound waves reaching the cochlea.
I. Operator
II. Sensory
Which of the following statements is not correct about the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act?
I. It was passed in 2010.
II. It states that people with disabilities have equal rights.
III. The government has to provide free education and integrate children with disabilities into schools.
With reference to children with special needs, which of the following pairs is correct?
I. Hearing loss - This can range from problems with articulation or loudness to complete loss of voice.
II. Deafness - Extreme inability to discriminate conversational speech through the ear.
The concept of Inclusive Education excludes_________