What is the maximum speed of flywheel of mass 5200 kg and radius of gyration 1.8 m when the fluctuation of energy is 100800 Nm? The mean speed of the engine is 180 rpm
The radius of gyration of a flywheel is 1 m and the fluctuation of speed is not to exceed 1 % of the mean speed of the flywheel. If the mass of the flywheel is 4000 kg and hte engine develops 150 kW at 120 rpm, what is the maximum flucuation of energy?
Consider the following parameter;-------1
. Limit of peripheral speed
2. Limit of centrifugal stress
3. Coefficient of fluctuation of speed
4. Weight of the rim
Which of these parameters are used in the calculation of the diameter of flywheel rim?
If N1 and N2 are the maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds of the flywheel, then maximum fluctuations of energy of flywheel is proportional to
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