Which is the only site with paintings that survived after Ajanta?
Who was the Chalukya king who patronized the excavation of the Badami caves?
Which cave in Badami has a fragment of painting that has survived on the vaulted roof of the front mandapa?
Which dynasty succeeded the Chalukya kings in parts of South India and was also a patron of arts?
Which king patronized the paintings at the Kanchipuram temple?
Where are the dancing figures of celestial nymphs seen, patronized by the Pandyas?
Which are the three temples built during the reigns of Rajaraja Chola, Rajendra Chola and Rajaraja Chola II, respectively?
Which of the following is true about the tradition of mural painting in India?
Who patronized the excavation of the Badami caves?
Which of the following is true about the painting in the Vishnu Cave in Badami?
Where are the dancing figures of celestial nymphs seen?
Which of the following kings were patrons of arts?
Which temple was patronized by the Pallava king, Rajsimha?
Which of the following dynasties were patrons of art in South India?
Who patronized the excavation of the Badami caves?
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