What is the difference between the number of vehicles manufactured by Company Y in 2000 and 2001 ?
What is the difference between the total productions of the two Companies in the given years ?
What is the average numbers of vehicles manufactured by Company X over the given period ? (rounded off to nearest integer)
In which of the following years, the difference between the productions of Companies X and Y was the maximum among the given years ?
The production of Company Y in 2000 was approximately what percent of the production of Company X in the same year ?
The following line graph gives the percent profit earned by two Companies X and Y during the period 1996 - 2001.
The incomes of two Companies X and Y in 2000 were in the ratio of 3:4 respectively. What was the respective ratio of their expenditures in 2000 ?
If the expenditure of Company Y in 1997 was Rs. 220 crores, what was its income in 1997 ?
The following line graph gives the percent profit earned by two Companies X and Y during the period 1996 - 2001.
If the expenditures of Company X and Y in 1996 were equal and the total income of the two Companies in 1996 was Rs. 342 crores, what was the total profit of the two Companies together in 1996 ? (Profit = Income - Expenditure)
The following line graph gives the percent profit earned by two Companies X and Y during the period 1996 - 2001.
The expenditure of Company X in the year 1998 was Rs. 200 crores and the income of company X in 1998 was the same as its expenditure in 2001. The income of Company X in 2001 was ?
The following line graph gives the percent profit earned by two Companies X and Y during the period 1996 - 2001
If the incomes of two Comapanies were equal in 1999, then what was the ratio of expenditure of Company X to that of Company Y in 1999 ?
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