Find the volume of a cuboid whose length is 8 cm, breadth 6 cm and height 3.5 cm.
Find the volume of a cuboid whose length is 8 cm, width is 3 cm and height is 5 cm.
Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 4 cm and breadth is 3 cm.
Area of a trapezium = Half of the sum of the lengths of parallel sides × ______
In a right angled triangle, find the hypotenuse if base and perpendicular are respectively 36015 cmand 48020 cm.
The inner circumference of a circular track is 440 cm. The track is 14 cm wide. Find the diameterof the outer circle of the track.
A pit 7.5 metre long, 6 metre wide and 1.5 metre deep is dug in a field. Find the volume of soilremoved in cubic metres.
The whole surface of a rectangular block is 8788 square cm. If length, breadth and height are inthe ratio of 4 : 3 : 2, find length.
Find the height of a Cuboid , if the volume and area of its base is 1240cm3 and 40 respectively.
A bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 11 km. What is the radius of the wheel?
The short and the long hands of a clock are 4 cm and 6 cm long respectively. What will be sum ofdistances travelled by their tips in 4 days? (Take p = 3.14)
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1366 videos|1313 docs|1016 tests