If 'MANIPUR' is written as 'NBOJQVS', how can 'PATTERN' be written in that code?
In a certain code, MONK is written as 53. How will TUTOR be written in that code?
In a certain code language, 1259 means 'box in the ring', 6941 means 'the square boxing ring' and 5713 means 'put the box out'. Find the code for 'ring'.
If 'lion' is called 'fish', 'fish' is called 'parrot', 'parrot is called 'rat, 'rat is called 'cat', 'cat' is called 'tiger', then which of the following is a bird?
If in a certain code language "V" = 1331 and "P" = 512, then how would be "J" be written in that code language?
If ROSE is coded as 6821, CHAIR is coded as 73456 and PREACH is coded as 961473, then what will be the code for SEARCH?
In a certain code language, 518 means 'Evening is good', 714 means 'Star is beautiful', 834 means 'Evening was beautiful'. Find the code for 'was'.
If PAPER is coded as QCSIW then in that code EXAMPLE is written as
If in a certain code language, 'four' is called 'five', 'five' is called 'six', 'six' is called 'seven', 'seven' is called 'eight', 'eight' is called 'nine' and 'nine' is called 'ten'. Then what is cube of the number 2?
If in a certain code language PASS is written as 1611919, then ASAP in that code language is written as: