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Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - NEET MCQ

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20 Questions MCQ Test Topic-wise MCQ Tests for NEET - Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning for NEET 2025 is part of Topic-wise MCQ Tests for NEET preparation. The Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning questions and answers have been prepared according to the NEET exam syllabus.The Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning MCQs are made for NEET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning below.
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Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 1

Assertion: Taxonomic studies of various species of plants and animals are useful in agriculture, forestry, industry and in general in knowing our bio-resources and their deversity.
Reason: Taxonomic studies would require correct classification and identification of organisms.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 1

Taxonimic studies of various species of plants and animals are useful in agriculture, forestry, industry and in general in knowing our bio-resources and their diversity.  Taxonomic studies would require correct classification and identification of organisms.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 2

Assertion: Classification is necessary to study all living organisms.
Reason: Individuals are grouped into categories in classification.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 2

It is nearly impossible to study all the living organisms. Classification refers to the process by which individuals are grouped into categories. So, classification makes it possible to study all the living organisms by studying the category wise characteristic.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 3

Assertion: The science of classifiying organisms is called taxonomy.
Reaso: Systematics and taxonomy have same meaning.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 3

Taxonomy is the science of identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms. But taxonomy and systematics are different terms. Systematics is the branch of biology that deals with diversity of organisms at every level of classification.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 4

Assertion: Binomial nomenclature is system of providing name with two.
Reason: Each name consists first of a specific name and second of a generic name

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 4

All the members of a species have similar karyotype (cytotaxonomy) - there is similarity in the number, size, shape and behaviour of chromosomes. At the molecular level, there is similarity in the types of proteins, enzymes, hormones and other biochemicals.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 5

Assertion: The scientific terms for the categories like dogs, cats, mammals, plants, animals etc. is taxa.
Reason: The taxa can indicate categories at very different level.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 5

To evaluate the given Assertion and Reason, let's analyze them one by one:

  1. Assertion: "The scientific terms for the categories like dogs, cats, mammals, plants, animals, etc., is taxa."

    • This is true. In biological classification, "taxa" (plural of "taxon") refers to the categories used to classify organisms, which include various levels such as species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, etc.
  2. Reason: "The taxa can indicate categories at very different levels."

    • This is also true. Taxa can represent a range of classifications from specific (like species) to broad (like kingdom), indicating different hierarchical levels of biological classification.

Now, let's consider the options:

  • a) If both Assertion and Reason are false.

    • This is incorrect, as both statements are true.
  • b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

    • This is incorrect because the Reason provides a valid explanation of the Assertion.
  • c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.

    • This is incorrect since both are true.
  • d) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

    • This is correct because both the Assertion and Reason are true, and the Reason correctly explains why the Assertion is true.

The correct answer is d) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 6

Assertion: Both internal as well as external growth is show by living organisms.
Reason: Living organisms undergo the process known as accretion.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 6

The assertion that both internal and external growth is shown by living organisms is incorrect. In living organisms, growth is primarily internal, occurring through cell division and enlargement within the organism, a process known as intussusception. External growth, or accretion, typically refers to non-living entities where growth happens by adding materials to the surface. Therefore, both the assertion and reason are false

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 7

Assertion: Metabolism refers to the sum of chemical reactions that occur within living organisms.
Reason: Metabolic reactions occur simultaneously inside living organisms.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 7

All living organisms are made of chemicals. These chemicals, small and big, belonging to various classes, sizes, functions, etc., are constantly being made and changed into some other biomolecules. These conversions are chemical reactions or metabolic reactions. There are thousands of metabolic reactions occurring simultaneously inside all living organisms, be they unicellular or multicellular.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 8
Assertion: One of the defining properties of living organisms is consciousness.
Reason: Human beings are the only organisms that have self-consciousness.
Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 8
All living organisms have an inherent ability to sense their surroundings or environment and respond to their environmental stimuli. Plants and animals both respond to external stimuli. Human beings are slightly different as they are aware of themselves, i.e., have self-consciousness.
Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 9

Assertion: Living organisms are self replicating, evolving and self regulating unit.
Reason: These are capable of responding to external stimuli.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 9

Living beings are objects exhibiting growth, development, responsiveness and other characteristics of life. They have their own specific form and structure. Living organisms exhibit properties such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, consciousness, etc. Thus, living organisms are considered as self replicating, evolving and self regulatory interactive systems capable of responding to external stimuli, sharing a common genetic material to varying degree both horizontally and vertically.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 10

Assertion: All organisms reproduce for perpetuation of a population.
Reason: Reproduction is an all inclusive characteristic of living organisms.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 10
  • Assertion: "All organisms reproduce for the perpetuation of a population." This is true because reproduction in most organisms serves the function of perpetuating the population, even if the method of reproduction can vary.

  • Reason: "Reproduction is an all-inclusive characteristic of living organisms." This is false, because as the reference points out, there are exceptions — not all living organisms reproduce. For example, sterile organisms like mules or certain worker bees cannot reproduce, which disqualifies reproduction as an "all-inclusive" characteristic of life.

Hence, the correct option is d.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 11

Assertion: Living organisms possess specific individuality with the definite shape and size.
Reason: Both living and non living entities resemble each other at the lower level of organization.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 11

Both living and non-living entities resemble each other at the lower level of organization.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 12

Assertion: The growth in living organisms is from inside.
Reason : Plants grow only upto certain age.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 12

Growth is the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.
It is an exclusive event in majority of the higher animals and plants. In plants, growth occurs continuously throughout their life span and in animal, growth is seen only up to a certain age. In living organisms, growth is from inside. Therefore, it cannot be taken as a defining property of living organisms.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 13

Assertion: Growth in living organism occurs by division of cells and increase in biomass.
Reason: Growth in living organism occurs by accumulation of material by external agency.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 13

Accu mulation of material by external agency cause extrinsic growth which can not be the feature of living organism.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 14

Assertion: Consciousn ess an d respon se to stimuli can be considered as defining property of living organism.
Reason: The external environmental stimuli can be physical, chemical or biological.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 14

All organisms, from primitive prokaryotes to most advanced and complex eukaryotes, are able to sense and respond to environmental factors. The stimuli are perceived by sense organs in higher animals through sensory receptors e.g. eyes, ears, nose. Plants do not possess such sense organs. However, they do respond to external factors such as light, water, temperature, pollutants, other organism, etc. Human beings have an additional facility of self conciousness (awareness of self). Consciousness and response to stimuli are said to be the defining properties of living organisms.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 15

Assertion: Reproduction cannot be refered as defining property of living organism.
Reason: There are some living organism that do not reproduce e.g. mules, worker bees, infertile human, etc.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 15

The correct answer is:

4.  If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

- The assertion states that reproduction cannot be referred to as a defining property of living organisms, which is true.
- The reason given is that there are some living organisms that do not reproduce, such as mules, worker bees, and infertile humans, which is also true.
- The reason correctly explains why reproduction is not a defining property of living organisms since not all living organisms are capable of reproduction.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 16

Assertion: A living organism is unexceptionally differentiated from a non living structure in the basis of responsiveness.
Reason: Response to stimuli is a defining property of living organism.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 16

All organisms from primitive prokaryotes to most advanced and complex eukryotes are able to sense and respond to environmental factors. The stimuli are perceived by sense organs in higher animals through sensory receptors.
Consciousness and response to stimuli are said to be the defining properties of living organism.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 17

Assertion: In fungi, vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation and budding.
Reason: Asexual reproduction in fungi, occurs through formation of asexual spores.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 17

In fungi, vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation, budding (yeast), sclerotia, rhizomorphs, etc. Asexual reproduction occurs through formation of asexual spores such as zoospores, sporangiospores, chlamydospores, oidia, coidia, etc.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 18

Assertion: Whittaker's classification for algae is not acceptable.
Reason: Whittaker grouped algae in different kingdoms.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 18

In Whittaker's classification, algae are grouped in three kingdoms - Monera (bluegreen algae), Protista (dinoflagellates, diatoms, euglenoids) and Plantae (red algae, brown algae and green algae). Though plant kingdom of Whittaker is often called metaphyta or multicellular plants, the algae included in this kingdom also contain a number of unicellular and colonial forms. The most accepted classification of algae is given by Fritsch. He classified all algae into 11 classes.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 19

Assertion: Systematics is the branch of biology that deals with classification of living organisms.
Reason: The aim of classification is to group the organisms.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 19

Systematics is related with classification, of organisms. In classification, the organisms are grouped on the basis of their characters or phylogeny, etc.

Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 20

Assertion : To give scientific name to plant, there is ICBN.
Reason : It uses articles, photographs and recommendations to name a plant.

Detailed Solution for Test: The Living World - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 20

Anyone can study, describe, identify and give a name to an organism provided certain rules are followed. These rules are formed and standardised by International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). It uses articles, photographs and recommendations.

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