In what way did the movement by Birsa Munda prove to be a significant one?
What is Jhum or Jhoom Cultivation?
Which among the following options best describe broadcasting or scattering
Some important features of the Jhum cultivation are given below. Pick out the one that is not related to the Jhum cultivation.
What is the literal meaning of the word fallow?
Lists of statements with respect to the tribal life are given below. Choose the one that does not pertain to the tribal life.
From the seeds of which tree did the tribals extract oil to cook?
From the seeds of Sal and Mahua, the tribal extract oil to cook. What exactly is Mahua ?
Why were the Baigas of Central India reluctant to do work for others?
Why did the local weavers and leather workers turn to the Khonds for help ?
According to the list given below, who were the Van Gujjars of the Punjab hills?
From the given number of options, choose the one that can be best tells us about the Gaddis of Kulu.
What did the Bakarwals of Kashmir rear?
Which one of the following best describes the Labadis of Andhra Pradesh?
Why did the tribals saw the moneylenders and traders as evil outsiders and the cause for their misery?
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