There are containing 5 , 7 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 29 balls of either red or blue in colour. Some boxes contain only red balls and others contain only blue. One sales man sold one box out of them and then he says I have the same number of red balls left out as that of blue.
Which box is the one he sold out ?
A chain is broken into three pieces of equal lengths containing 3 links each. It is taken to a back smith to join into a single continuous one . How many links are to be opened to make it?
complete the following
a. $ * * $ @ * ? ?
# @ @ # # $ ? ? some what similar like this...but not clear.
b. 1 , 3 , 7 , 13 , 21 , __ , 43
c. 1, 3, 9, __ , 16900
Mr. ANYMAN left ANYTOWN by car to attend a wedding at ANYCITY. He had been driving for exactly two hours when the car got punctured. It took his driver exactly ten minutes to change the wheel. In order to play safe they covered the remaining distance at a speed of 30 mph. consequently, Mr. ANYMAN was at wedding half an- hour behind schedule. Had the car got the puncture only 30 miles later, I would have been only FIFTEEN minutes late he told the driver . How Far is ANYCITY from ANYTOWN.
What is Anns relation with her husbands mothers only daughter-in-laws sisters husband?
Some guy holding a glass of wine in his hand looking around in the room says, This is same as it was four years ago, how old are your two kids now? Other guy says Three now, Pam had one more in the meanwhile. Pam says, If you multiply their ages, answer is 96 and if you add the ages of first two kids, addition is same as our house number. The first guy says, You are very smart but that does not tell me their ages. Pam says, Its very simple, just think. What are the ages of three kids?
A motor cyclist participant of a race says We drove with the speed of 10 miles an hour one way, but while returning because of less traffic we drove on the same route with 15 miles per hour. What was their average speed in the whole journey?
Given following sequence, find the next term in the series:
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 12, 20, 16, ____
Given following sequence, find the next term in the series:
3, 6, 13, 26, 33, 66, ___
Three customers want haircut and a shave. In a saloon, two barbers operate at same speed. They take quarter of an hour for the haircut and 5 mins for the shave. How quickly can they finish the haircut and shave of these three customers?
Three different types of objects in a bucket. How many times does one need to select object from the bucket to get atleast 3 objects of the same type?
The quarter of the time from midnight to present time added to the half of the time from the present to midnight gives the present time. What is the present time?
A girl A told to her friend about the size and color of a snake she has seen in the beach. It is one of the colors brown/black/green and one of the sizes 35/45/55.
If it were not green or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 45 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
Q. What is the color of the snake?
A girl A told to her friend about the size and color of a snake she has seen in the beach. It is one of the colors brown/black/green and one of the sizes 35/45/55.
If it were not green or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 45 it is 55.
If it were not black or if it were not of length 35 it is 55.
Q. What is the length of the snake?
Joes age , Joes sisters age and Joes fathers age sums up to a century. When sons as old as his father, Joes sister will be twice as old as now. When Joe is as old as his father then his father is twice as old as when his sister was as old as her father
At 6 -o clock clock ticks 6 times. The time between first and last ticks was 30 sec. How much time it takes at 12 -o clock.?
Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total no of remaining bullets is equal to that of one has after division. Find the original number divided.
A ship went on a voyage after 180 miles a plane started with 10 times speed that of the ship. Find the distance when they meet from starting point.
A man sold two cows for Rs. 210 at a total profit of 5 %. He sold one cow at a loss of 10% and another at a profit of 10%. What is the price of each cow?
Impressed by admiration of the boy by stranger, the father said My son is five times as old as my daughter and my wife is five times as old as my son. I am double the age of my wife and my grandmother is as old as the sum of ages of all of us and she is celebrating her 81st birthday. what is the age of the boy?
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