A financing agreement for IBRD loan was signed with the World Bank for which Odisha project?
A Grant Agreement from the Global Environment Facility of which bank was signed by Ministry of Finance?
Who has been appointed the World Bank ED to represent the constituency of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan?
Which country's socialist leader and president declared total independence from IMF and World Bank?
World Bank’s latest edition of Global Economic Prospects says India is ___ fastest growing economy in the world.
India signed a loan with World Bank for which project in Assam on June 5, 2017?
Which country ranked 120th on the Indian Development Report for female participation in the work force?
In its economic outlook report for Asia-Pacific, IMF has cautioned against _______ population.
World Bank Group approved USD 210 million loan for strengthening gram panchayats in which state?
What will be the impact of World Bank approving US$175 for India's Hydrology Project?
Post demonetisation, IMF has cut down the Indian growth rate to what percent?
International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde was on 19th Dec convicted over a massive payout to which tycoon?
World Bank Group on 13th Dec 2016 halted the processes by India and Pakistan under which treaty?
World Bank Group on 25th Oct 2016 released the report entitled Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All. Which country stood first in the list of merit?
Remittances to India have declined by what percent in 2016, according to World Bank India?
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim announced whom to be the Chief Economist and Senior VP of the WB?
On June 7 IMF has approved 1.5 billion US dollar loan to which country?
Loan and Project Agreements for World Bank/IBRD assistance of US $100 million was signed between which state government and the World Bank?
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