The cost price of 10 items is equal to the selling price of 8 items. What is the profit percentage?
If the average of scores of 3 players in 1 innings is 43.66, sum of the scores of least scorer and top scorer is 80. Then find the score of 3rd player ?
If a car is travelling at 40kmph, then what is the distance covered by it in 2hrs 45mins ?Report Question
M and N together can complete a job in 4 days, while only N can complete the same work in 6 days. Then find the no.of days taken by M alone to complete 50% of the work ?Report Question
Find the height of the triangle in meters, if its area is 120 & base is 12 cm ?
Find the radius of the circumcircle of an equilateral triangle of side 6 cm ?
If hypotenuse of an isosceles right angled triangle is 7√2m, then find the length of other sides of that triangle (in metres) ?
Raghuram sells his car at a profit of 20% and his bike at a loss of 20%. The cost price of the bike is 20% of the cost price of the car. What is the overall profit or loss percentage ?
If a+ib = 0, where i =√−1, then which of the following is true ?
If length of tangent drawn to a circle from a point which is at a distance of 13cm from the centre of the circle is 12cm , then find the radius of the circle ?
A footpath of uniform width is constructed around a square field of side 6 m. The area of the foot path is 28 sq.m. Then find the width of the footpath ?
Find the ratio of the volume of a sphere of radius 4cm, to that of a sphere of radius 6 cm ?
If m and n are the total surface area and curved surface area of a sphere of radius r, then what is the relation between m and n?
Train A of length 300m and Train B of length 600m are travelling with 35kmph and 55kmph respectively. Find the time taken by them to cross each other if they are moving in opposite direction ?
The four walls of a house of height 5m, width 7m, length 10m, are to be painted. Assume that the ceiling and floor are not to be painted. Find the cost of painting if painter charges Rs.2 per sq.m ?Report Question
Choose the option which has the same relation with the second word as displayed by the first pair.D:P :: E: ?
Three of the following four things share a common characteristic. Choose the odd one out.
Arrange the following words in the order in which they will appear in a dictionary.
1. Abandon
2. Abstract
3. Academic
4. Absolute
5. Accident
Identify the term which will come next in the following number series.11, 15, 51, 87, 312, ?
How many meaningful words can be formed using all the letters of the word a, e, m, n?
In a certain language, ‘BRACE’ is coded as ‘CQBBF’ and ‘WRONG’ is coded as ‘XQPMH’. How will ‘GIGANTIC’ be coded in the same language?
If P represents ‘*’, Q represents ‘+’, R represents ‘-‘ and S represents ‘/’, what is the value of 6 P 2 R 9 S 3 Q 4
Some statements are given below. Consider these statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly observed facts. Two conclusions are given after the statements. You have to decide which of the options logically follow from the given statements and then choose the correct answer accordingly.
I. Some apples are mangoes
II. Some mangoes are guavas
III. All guavas are tomatoes
IV. All tomatoes are red
I. Some apples are red
II. No mango is red
In each of the following question select the related numbers/words/letters from the given options.12 : 147 : : 17 : ?Report Question
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