Which of the following least covalent or least acidic?
Spin motion of which of the following gives magnetic moment?
I. Electron II. Proton III. Neutron
Consider the coordination compound Na2[Pt(CN)4]. The Lewis acid is?
Using CFT, identify the following complex ions that shows same Ueff (spin only) value?
I. [CoF6]3- II. [IrCl6]3- III. [Fe(H2O)6]2+
The metal ion of an enzyme involved in the hydration of CO2 is:
At pH 7.2 and 10 Torr oxygen partial pressure, the extent of O2 binding is:
For the Metalloprotein Hemerythrin, the statement that is not true is:
Os5(CO)16 adopts the following structure:
What would be the oxidation of Mn in CpMn(NMe2)(OEt)(CPh2) ?
Consider the compound [M(η6-C6H6)(CS)2]2. Metal ‘M’ can be
Type of isomerism which exists between [Pd(C6H5)2(SCN)2] and [Pd(C6H5)2(NCS)2] is:
Nitrosyl ligands bind to d-metal atoms in linear and bent fashion and behaves, respectively as
For tetrahedral complexes, which always exhibit high spin states, the maximum CFSE is:
Select 18e– species among following:
Electron transfer from [Fe(H2O)6]2+ to [Fe(H2O)6]3+ is likely to occur viavia
B3H7[Fe(CO)3]2 adopts the following structure:
Which of the following Metallocene has 1.73 BM value of magnetic moment?
[CpMoCl2]2 obeys the 18 electron rule. The correct structure of this compound is:(atomic number of Mo = 42)
Correct combination of number and size of rings present in a metal ion-porphine complex (including metal ion bearing chelate rings) is:
The correct set of the biologically essential elements is:
Haemoglobin is an oxygen carrying protein. The correct statement about oxy-haemoglobin is that:
Which of the following metal based Nitrogenase enzymes are known?
Which of the following is also known as Photo-synthetic protein?
For mono-ionic complex [UO2(NO3)3]-, the correct coordination number and geometry resp are
The complex that shows orbital contribution to the magnetic moment, is
Correct spinal structure of Co3O4 is:
The g values for Ce3+ (4f1 ) and Pr3+ (4f2 ) are, respectively
2 docs|25 tests