For the following questions answer them individually
Q. The popular film “Tare Zamin Par” was directed by
The process of making soap is called
Who is the writer of “The White Tiger” ?
THe agenda declared by the Prime Minister for the minorities is related to
Which of the following gases is chiefly found in biogas ?
Which of the following soils is suitable for the production of cotton
Which of the following helps in the blood clotting?
In which year did the National Congress Passed the resolution of total independence?
The eleventh five year plan envisages
Who formed “Harijan Sangh” in India?
By which Article of the Indian Constitution was untouchability abolished?
Which scheme has been initiated by the Indian government for women empowerment ?
Which Governor General ended the Sati System?
Find the average of the first five multiples of 3
Which of the following is related to the force between two electrostatic Charges?
The SI unit of the specific resistance is
The two elements having unequal number of electrons but same atomic mass are called
A 100 watt bulb is burnt everyday for 15 hours. What will be the cost of consumption in 30 days at the rate of 50 paise/unit?
Tata’s Nano project has been shifted to _ from Singur (West Bengal).