Rs. 25,000 received form Aditi, is credited in the account of Prerna. It is an error of :
Sales for Rs. 5,000 was entered as purchase. The effect of this error will be:
What will be the effect when return inward is wrongly entered as return outward?
Sales of Rs. 1,540 to Mr. X was posted to his account as Rs. 1450. To rectify the error, Rs. 90 will be _________to X ‘s Account :
On scrutiny, an accountant found that
1. Bad debts recovery of Rs. 500 was credited to debtors A/c wrongly
2. Bank charges of Rs. 50 was wrongly entered twice in Bank Book
3. Purchase return of Rs. 100 was omitted to be entered in the books of A/c.
What will be the net effect in profit after above rectification?
A cheque for Rs. 500 received from Yuvraj & Co. was dishonoured and debited to discount Account. Due to rectification of this error, net profit will :
Rectification in next financial year is done through :
A cheque of Rs. 1,000 received from Ramesh was dishonored and had been posted to the debit of sales return account. Rectifying journal entry will be:
Which type of error can occur while posting the journal entries in the ledger:
(a) Error of Principle
(b) Error of Commission
(c) Error of Partial Omission
(d) Error of Complete Omission
Which type of error occurs when credit sales is wrongly posted to Purchase Day Book:
Sale of old furniture is erraneously entered in sales book. Rectification entry will be:
Wages Rs. 500 paid for installation of a new machine was wrongly machinery account. It is an error
Which of the following mentioned error will not affect the Trial Balance?
A second hand machinery is purchased for Rs. 10,000 the amount of Rs. 1,500 is spent on transportation and Rs. 1,200 is paid for installation. The amount debited to machinery account will be :
Bill accepted by Govinda was discounted with the bank for Rs. 2000. On the due date the bill was dishonoured. However, there is error of Omission towards Bills dishonoured. Journal Entry for rectification will be:-
If the amount is posted in the wrong account or it is written on the wrong side of the account, it is called
Goods purchased from A for Rs.10,000 passed through the sales book. The error will result in
Rs. 200 paid as wages for erecting a machine should be debited to
Which type of error occurs when credit sales is wrongly posted to Purchase Day Book:
Ram earned a profit of Rs. 1,40,000 for the year 2008-09. But at the time of audit, the auditor found that Ram purchased a scooter on 1.4.08 for Rs. 20,000 and charged it as revenue expenses. The auditor advised him to rectify the error now and to charge depreciation @ 15% on scooter. The correct profit after rectification will be:
Goods worth Rs. 50 given as charity should be credited to
A new machine was purchased for Rs. 1,00,000 but the amount was wrongly posted to Furniture account as Rs. 10,000 and cash received from debtors Rs. 11,200 was omitted to be posted to ledger. The difference in Trial balance due to such error will be:
Rs. 200 received from Smith shoes account, was written off as a bad debt should be credited to :
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