If GIVE is coded as 5137 and BAT is coded as 924, how is GATE coded?
If in a certain code, LUTE is written as MUTE and FATE is written as GATE, then how will BLUE be written in that code?
In a certain case, INSTITUTION is written as NOITUTITSNI. How is PERFECTION written in that code?
In a certain case, GIGANTIC is written as GIGTANCI. How is MIRACLES written in that code?
In a certain case, GOODNESS is written as HNPCODTR. How is GREATNESS written in that code?
In a certain case, EXPLAINING is written as PXEALNIGNI. How is PRODUCED written in that code?
If in a certain language MADRAS is coded as NBESBT, how is BOMBAY coded in that language?
If FISH is written as EHRG in a certain code, how would JUNGLE be written in that code?
In a certain code, TWINKLE is written as SVHOJKD, then how would FILTERS be written in the same code?
In a certain code, ROAD is written as URDG. How is SWAN written in that code ?
In a certain code language, OPERATION is written as NODQBUJPO. How is INVISIBLE written in that code?
In a certain code, FAVOUR is written as EBUPTS. How is DANGER written in that code?
If SUMMER is coded as RUNNER, the code for WINTER will be
In a certain code, PRODUCTIONS is written as QQPCVEUHPMT. How is ORIENTATION written in that code?
If in a code, MIND becomes KGLB and ARGUE becomes YPESC, then what will DIAGRAM be in that code?
In a certain code, BASIC is written as DDULE. How is LEADER written in that code?
In a certain language SIGHT is written as FVTUG. How is REVEAL written in the same language?
If in a certain language, MIRACLE is coded as NKUEHRL, then how is GAMBLE coded in that language?
If in a certain code, BELIEF is written as AFKKDI. How is SELDOM written in that code?
If in a certain language, MADRAS is coded as NBESBT, how is BOMBAY coded in that code?
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