If ENGLAND is written as 1234526 and FRANCE is written as 785291. How is GREECE coded?
In a certain code, 15789 is written as EGKPT and 2346 is written ALUR. How is 23549 written in that code?
In a certain code, a number 13479 is written as AQFJL and 5268 is written as DMPN. How is 396824 written in that code?
If white is called blue, blue is called red, red is called yellow, yellow is called green, green is called black, black is called violet and violet is called orange, what would be the colour of human blood?
If orange is called butter, butter is called soap, soap is called ink, ink is called honey and honey is called orange, which of the following is used for washing clothes?
If the animals which can walk are called swimmers, animals who crawl are called flying, those living in water are called snakes and those which fly in the sky are called hunters, then what will a lizard be called?
If air is called green, green is called blue, blue is called sky, sky is called yellow, yellow is called water and water is called pink, then what is the colour of clear sky?
If sky is called sea, sea is called water, water is called air, air is called cloud and cloud is called river, then what do we drink when thirsty?
If man is called girl, girl is called woman, woman is called boy, boy is called butler and butler is called rogue, who will serve in a restaurant?
If train is called bus, bus is called tractor, tractor is called car, car is called scooter, scooter is called bicycle, bicycle is called moped, which is used to plough a field?
If lead is called stick, stick is called nib, nib is called needle, needle is called rope and rope is called thread, what will be fitted in a pen to write with it?
If rose is called popy, popy is called lily, lily is called lotus and lotus is called glandiola, which is the king of flowers?
If ‘ish lto inm’ stands for ‘neat and tidy’; ‘qpr inm sen’ stands for ‘small but neat’ and ‘hsm sen rso’ stands for ‘good but erratic’, what would ‘but’ stand for?
In a certain code language, ‘col tip mot’ means ‘singing is appreciable’ ; ‘mot baj min’ means ‘dancing is good’ and ‘tip nop baj’ means ‘singing and dancing’ , which of the following means ‘good’ in that code language ?
In a certain code, ‘bi nie pie’ means ‘some good jokes’ : ‘nie bat lik’ means ‘some real stories’ ; and ‘pie lik tol’ means ‘many good stories’. Which word in that code means ‘jokes’?
In a certain code language, (A) ‘pit dar na’ means ‘you are good’ (B) ‘dar tok pa’ means ‘good and bad’ (C) ‘tim na tok’ means ‘they are bad’ In that language, which word stands for ‘they’?
In a certain code language, (A) ‘pit dar na’ means ‘you are good’ (B) ‘dar tok pa’ means ‘good and bad’ (C) ‘tim na tok’ means ‘they are bad’ To find the answer to the above questions, which of the following statements can be dispensed with?
In a certain code language, (A) ‘pic vic nic’ means ‘winter is cold’ (B) ‘to nic re’ means ‘summer is hot’ (C) ‘re pic boo’ means ‘winter and summer’ (D) ‘vic tho pa’ means ‘nights are cold’ Which word in that language means ‘summer’?
In a certain code language, (A) ‘pic vic nic’ means ‘winter is cold’ (B) ‘to nic re’ means ‘summer is hot’ (C) ‘re pic boo’ means ‘winter and summer’ (D) ‘vic tho pa’ means ‘nights are cold’ Which of the given statements is superfluous?
In a certain code language, (A) ‘pit na som’ means ‘bring me water’ (B) ‘na ja tod’ means ‘water is life’ (C) ‘tub od pit’ means ‘give me toy’ (D) ‘jo lin kot’ means ‘life and death’ Which of the following represents ‘is’ in that language?
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